
Note on weapon stats: Weapons have the potential to influence your accuracy, damage, balance, balance recovery, balance consumed per swing, and (in a few cases) defense. When switching between weapons, any difference in their balance (Balthus) modifiers will be seamless, not causing your balance bar to instantly shift like Mystic boosts do. Like Balthus training, a weapon's bonus (or penalty) to balance will influence your ability to deflect blows while your balance is up, though in most cases a weapon's difference in that regard will be a relatively small one. The amount of balance consumed per swing by a weapon is directly proportional to the accuracy and damage capabilities of the weapon, in the same way that training Atkus and Darkus increases the amount of balance consumed by your swings. Balance consumed per swing, balance, and balance recovery work together to influence your total swings and rate at which swings are recovered, and the overall effect on your swings by a weapon will depend on how these factors mesh with your training.
Starting Weapons
Starting weapons are the type available to exiles fresh off the boat, or those that have just become fighters or monks. They tend to be weak in atkus and darkus.
Roguewood Club

Every exile steps off the boat with this weapon. And you know what they say about free things. It is a bland, crude, generic weapon without any particular strengths. Most fighters prefer the tradeoff of using more balance (per swing) with a different weapon to gain that weapon's advantages. That's because, in the long run, the cost in balance per swing is more due to one's training (in Atkus and Darkus) than in the choice of weapon. Other weapons mentioned below are described relative to this club.
When hunting in large groups, not all fighters maybe be able to tag a beast before it dies from the collective damage. Good fighter etiquette in such groups is to have all fighters use a light weapon to minimize damage inflicted on the beast (and so maximize the number of people hitting it). While one might think the club a good choice for such, actually it is not. Several other weapons are better for such, including the dagger and the easily obtained dueling blade.
(Note:There are several clubs with the exact same effectiveness as the Roguewood Club. These are the Flickering Club, the Glowing Club, the Bright Club, and the Brilliant Club. The only difference between these clubs is there is a limit to how much balance each will allow one to use up. Once the limit is reached, one has to wait until balance is regained to swing, even if one has balance left to swing with. These clubs are meant for people with high latency {lag}, and are not good for anyone else.)

Exiles who choose to become fighters are given a dagger by Master Fistus. The dagger gives decent balance recovery as well as a small amount of extra balance, but uses a bit more balance per swing than a club. It is signficantly more accurate than a club, but deals the same amount of damage. As such, it is an excellent weapon for tagging and general purpose use for lower level fighters. The only way nonfighters can obtain a dagger is from fighters who have outgrown them; they are occasionally raffled in the Auction House.
Hand Axe

The hand axe is purchasable by anyone. It hits a bit harder and a bit more accurately than a club (though not as accurate as a dagger), but takes a bit more balance. It also slightly reduces one's balance and balance recovery, which is common for the Axe family when compared to blades within the same class.
Cloth Bracers

This is the starting weapon of the monk, they are used to prevent injuries to the hands while learning how to use various open handed punches correctly. They are very low on accuracy and damage, but use very little balance when swung and give minor bonuses to balance and balance recovery. If one has enough accuracy training to compensate, they are the best weapon to ensure one gets a tag in a large group while doing the least damage to the beast. And, if one is only able to luck-hit a particularly hard-to-hit creature, they are also the best weapon for that, because of the minimal balance they consume. It takes 10 ranks of training to qualify for cloth bracers.

The staff is available to anyone, however some monks choose to use this weapon as an alternate to their open fist attacks. This weapon has a moderately good balance recovery and has the potential to deal more damage than the roguewood club, but has slightly less accuracy and reduces total balance by a bit. When accuracy is not an issue (say when one is coining), it can provide a good kill-rate.
Studded Club

The studded club is a cheap good upgrade to the roguewood club. It has a bit better accuracy and a bit better balance and recovery, and while not as good at these as a dagger, the studded club has the potential to deal more damage (equal to a quarterstaff in that aspect). It's almost strictly better than a roguewood club, except that it does cost a bit more balance to swing it (the studs weigh a bit).
Short Sword

The short sword is simply an elongated dagger, usually about one and a half to three feet long. It has a sharp edge and a pointy tip. Thus it is designed for both thrusting and swinging.
The short sword has the same accuracy and damage capabilities of a studded club, but is a bit worse on balance. However, some might prefer the short sword for the superior image. After all, clubs are crude, brutish, barbarian weapons. However, any fighter who likes a short sword will generally like a longsword much better, once they can afford one.
S'ome fighters stick with blades exclusively and upgrade to either the broadsword or the great sword.
Dueling Blade

Slightly more expensive than the above starting weapons, the dueling blade is another good tagging weapon. When used with a dueling glove, one can duel with other players, but it can be used by itself against creatures without the glove (and without worrying about being hit accidently by another player). Its accuracy, balance, and balance recovery are similar to a dagger, but it deals as little damage as cloth bracers. Its balance bonuses make it a decent weapon to use when bricking, as it allows blows to be deflected more easily. However, it is a very awkward weapon to use when fighting in groups, because it will cause one to stick to other exiles when bumping into them.
Intermediate Weapons
Intermediate weapons usually use somewhat more balance in exchange for moderate accuracy or damage bonuses. As such, they are a relatively inexpensive next step for novice fighters. And some elite fighters like them well enough to stick with them. (Michael, for instance, has said he likes the rapier.) The Intermediate Weapons are listed below.

The axe was the standard weapon of most fighters up until about 2001, and remains a standard when comparing weapon accuracy, damage, balance, and balance recovery pluses and minuses. It is available to anyone willing to pay the price and deal with the Darshak. However there are many used Axes on the market, and an inexpensive one may be purchased, if one is lucky. They occasionally are raffled in the Auction House, and are heavily discounted there.
The Axe family's main characteristics is the tradeoff of a good damage bonus (Darkus) in exchange for high balance use when swinging (it's heavy!) combined with a significant penalty to balance and balance recovery. The family also has an accuracy bonus. It is recommended that those using an axe have extra training with Swengus (Balthus and Regia) to compensate for its drawbacks. Since healers have poorer and limited options to train to increase their balance and balance recovery, it is very rare for a healer or mystic to choose this weapon as their primary defense weapon.
The axe is still a popular choice among nonZo fighters trying to pass 2nd circle, with its accuracy plus and extra damage (fewer hits to kill the ferals). That's because one can take extra time to recover balance while the ferals "feral."
Battle Hammer

The Battle Hammer consists of a pole between 4 and 6 feet in length with a large flat metal hammer head on one side, and sometimes either a spike or another hammer head on the other. It is in the pole arm family, but so far this is the only weapon from the family that has made it to Lok'groton Isles. This weapon was originally developed by Dwarves, but its battle effectiveness made it very popular among many races.
Because it takes a large swing to use effectively, the Battle Hammer uses a large amount of balance and reduces balance and balance recovery by a fair amount. The Hammer delivers powerful blows that flatten creatures when it hits. It is therefore similar to an axe, with a similar accuracy bonus, differing in that the damage is not quite as great, but the balance and balance recovery are not quite as poor. Fighters will tend to value the balance recovery difference more, which is why the battle hammer is more expensive than the axe.
The flail is a fairly effective intermediate weapon. Like the axe and battle hammer, it has an accuracy bonus similar to that of a dagger. It does more damage than clubs, but not as much as the axe or battle hammer. However, its balance drawbacks are not as severe as the axe, having only a minor penalty to balance recovery, and none to balance. The main advantage of a flail is its price. Any fighter (or nonfighter) who likes a flail, however, will like either a longsword or a battle hammer better, once they can afford such.
Leather Bracers

Leather Bracers are the next step in the "unarmed combat" taught in the Monastery. They are more expensive than cloth bracers, and require more training. While they are more accurate and hit with more damage than cloth bracers, they still are poorer than in these characteristics than even the basic roguewood club. The lightness of all bracers, however, means one uses very little balance when attacking and has a bit more balance and balance recovery to work with. So if accuracy is not an issue, they may provide a good kill rate (say when coining). But so does a quarterstaff. Thus, leather bracers are generally just the intermediate step of those training in open-handed combat, who eventually graduate to metal bracers.
Long Sword

The long sword is a blade between three and a half and five feet long. Even though it has a sharp tip, the balance and weight of it make it only suitable for slashing attacks.
The long sword is a popular weapon among intermediate and above fighters, the main deterrent being its price. It is hard to get one second-hand for much less than the retail cost from Witkus. The long sword has a similar accuracy bonus to the dagger, axe, battlehammer, and flail. Unlike the dagger, it does more damage than clubs, and therefore is a killing weapon not a tagging weapon. Its damage is the same as a flail, less than that of an axe or a battlehammer. And like the axe, battlehammer, and flail, it does cost more balance per swing and reduces balance by a bit, but unlike those three, there is no balance recovery penalty.

The rapier is a very thin blade with no edge and a sharp tip, made for thrusting. It is a fairly neutral, generic weapon, with a small damage bonus (compared to a club) in exchange for using a bit more balance. Compared to a longsword, it is less accurate, does less damage, but its light weight costs noticeably less balance and grants a bit more balance and balance recovery to work with.
Advanced Weapons
Advanced weapons are those designed to be used by skilled fighters, and thus give accuracy and damage bonuses usually greater than intermediate weapons. Some are better made and/or slightly larger than their intermediate counterpart. The Advanced Weapons are as follows.
Broad Sword

The broad sword, as its name implies, is a wide flat blade with no sharp edge, and acts as a large metal stick to beat monsters with a slashing motion. This item is available for purchase only to fighters. It has greater Atkus and Darkus bonuses than the long sword, and only uses a bit more balance per swing, and reduces balance and balance recovery by a smaller amount than most other Advanced weapons.
Note: Some fighters swear by the Broad Sword, and prefer it over the Great Axe and the Great Sword.
Great Axe

The Great Axe is a more extreme version of the Axe. It is only available to fighters, and with good reason. It uses slightly more balance than an Axe, and has greater penalties to balance and balance recovery, but delivers more damage and is more accurate as well. With such advantages you'd think every high level fighter would use this as a primary weapon; however, the very high price (about 10x the price of an Axe) of the Great Axe keeps it out of reach, from all but the rich and the most determined fighters. The abysmal balance and recovery, worst among all standard weapons, may also deter fighters from wielding it.
Great Sword

The Great Sword is the most accurate weapon one can weild (outside of training with the specialized blades). Even better than a shiny dagger. With that big of a blade, it's just hard to miss! The downside is it takes alot of balance to swing one. Damage done is less that than an axe, but comparable to broadsword and battlehammer. Like the broadsword and battlehammer, it reduces balance and balance recovery (compared to lighter weapons like clubs and rapiers), but not as much as an axe. The other downside is its outrageous price. Rarely is it sold second-hand, even then only at a modest discount.
Note: Again, some fighters consider the Great Sword to be the best advanced weapon.
Metal Bracers

Master Monks use these to deliver deadly open handed and closed handed blows in rapid succession. They are the final step in the Bracer family, cost the most, and require the most training. Like other bracers, they are fairly light on balance consumption and slightly increase one's balance and balance recovery. However, unlike the other bracers, one has somewhat better accuracy with metal bracers than crude club users, although still not as good as the dagger or longsword. Damage inflicted is still less than that of most weapons. One feature of metal bracers is that it offers a small defensive bonus. The general consensus among fighters is that other defensive training costs fewer ranks than what it takes to train to use metal bracers, but for nonfighters, this extra defensive advantage can be a boon.
Some mystics and some healers choose to be a monk as their secondary profession, and currently metal bracers are the peak of that profession. A few fighters choose to become monks and use their high regia to augment the naturally low balance consumption of the bracers.
In the hands of a master monk who is a high level fighter, the Metal Bracers can mean an extremely quick and painless death for many creatures.
Fighter Trainable Weapons
Fighter trainable weapons are only available to fighters who meet the criteria to use these weapons and have obtained third circle or higher status. Trainable weapons give bonuses in direct correlation with the amount of training a fighter has put into learning this weapon.
The currently there are three fighter trainable weapons.
Fell Blade

The fell blade is named for the deadly blows a master of the fell blade can deal a monster, often leaving most monsters fallen. It is only available to fighters that qualify to use it, after they've achieved the third circle.
Upon qualifying for the blade, the wielder gains a small bonus to accuracy and damage when attacking from behind, even without training. The bonus is enough to give the weapon a bit more accuracy and damage than a greatsword when attacking from behind (but when attacking from the front the blade will always be weaker than a greatsword). With training, these bonuses increase greatly. Fighters are required to train this weapon in order to become a Champion.

When properly trained, the Gossamer is designed to conserve balance when dealing killing blows to monsters. It has greater bonuses to balance and balance recovery than most blades, as well as decent accuracy, but deals slightly less damage than the roguewood club. It is a good weapon to choose to train for fighters with high darkus and low regia. Fighters wishing to become a Ranger must train this weapon sufficiently. When well trained, a goss-wielder has an increased chance of a double-swing, or of "walking through" a corpse. Rangers can also use their Gossamer training to gain accuracy and damage bonuses against specific creatures that they've studied. Additionally, the accuracy bonus of these studies will only draw upon as much additional balance as is necessary to hit the creature.
Blood Blade

The blood blade is an enchanted weapon that uses the wielder's blood (health/histia) and spirit to augment the fighters accuracy and damage. The weapon's origins are mysterious, as is its exact functioning.
Without any training, one who can train in the use of the weapon will feel a slight tingle and the blade will act as a painful dagger. As the wielder trains this weapon, he or she will notice a stronger sensation when equipping the weapon.
With training, this weapon gives the wielder a greater atkus and darkus bonus while they are low on health. The less health a person has while wielding the blood blade, the greater the bonuses are.
Information about the precise effects of the blade was a closely guarded secret among those that possess these powerful items.
Although making a blood blade is hardly a secret, it was sometime before their special abilities were revealed: Blood Mages can train to disable (slow and make easier to hit) or make creature bleed over time, sometimes killing the creature in the process.
•You learn how to better utilize your Labrys.

Champions can train the Labrys. The Labrys allows a champion to swing at multiple creatures at once, and can also reach over another exile to hit the creature behind him/her. (need confirmation)
Special Weapons
Special weapons are so because of one of two reasons: they are very rare and often give excellent advantages to the wielder. The Special Weapons are as follows:

The boomerang is the only known throwable weapon, aside from the Bow and Arrow set. It does little damage and can break when it hits a creature. Also, once a creature is hit with one, the boomerang falls to the ground in front of it, and anyone can pick it up. When thrown the is a chance the boomerang will break. It can also be swung from the right hand as a standard weapon, but the wielder will suffer a significant penalty to their accuracy, damage, balance, balance recovery, and defense. Additionally, when swung, the boomerang causes the wielder's balance to freeze momentarily.
The Boomerang is prized more as a novelty than an actual combat weapon.
Bow and Arrow

While the bow is fairly easy to make, the arrows are harder to make in quantity and breakable. Because of the rarity of arrows, this is more of a novelty device, than an actually valid weapon to use in the field. Also there are complaints about targeting things with the bow and arrow.
Lyfelidae Claw

The lyfelidae claw is a very rare item found on Kizmia’s Island. It is most often used as an ingredient to make a catsbane necklace, but it can also be wielded as a weapon. It has the same accuracy and damage as a dagger, but none of the bonuses to balance or balance recovery rate. It also decreases defensive capabilities by a fair amount. However, it greatly increases health regeneration while equipped. Consequently, it also improves the rate at which poison recedes (health poison only, not balance or spirit poison), but its influence on poison recovery rate is gradual. Therefore the claw must be wielded for a short amount of time while poison is receding before the effect becomes noticeable.
Like the oak basher, the mace reduces accuracy, balance, and balance recovery in exchange for increased damage. However, both its penalties and bonuses are much smaller, on par with other standard weapons. As a result, it deals about as much damage as an axe, is less accurate (though no where near as bad as the oak basher), but has better overall balance and recovery. However, when one doesn't need accuracy, the oak basher is a much better weapon for kill-rate. Thus, the mace is considered by some to be just an inferior version of the oak basher. It is also extremely rare and sells for a high price.
Main Gauche

The main gauche is unique in that it is held in the left hand and is used to both increase accuracy and increase damage. As a trade off, it slightly increases balanced used per swing, as well as slightly reducing balance and balance recovery. There are also less than 10 available. Thus it's rarely sold, and then only at extremely high prices.
Oak Basher

The Oak basher is essentially a giant spiked club. It deals out massive damage to anything it hits. It gives excessive penalties to accuracy, balance, balance recovery, and defense in exchange for a huge damage bonus and is a highly situational weapon. However, despite its penalties to balance and recovery, its accuracy penalty makes it use a relatively small amount of balance per swing. As a result its overall effect on one's swings can be better than a greatsword or greataxe, depending on one's training. However, non-fighters and lower level fighters will find the penalties to be too crippling to make it a viable weapon, some will even find that they can't keep their balance up at all while holding it (their balance recovery would be reduced to zero or even negative). It is extremely rare (fewer than 10) and sells for an extremely high price.
Shiny Dagger

The shiny dagger can be made by the workers in the smith shop for some metal and enough coins. Its accuracy is only exceeded, and slightly so, by the great sword. But unlike the great sword, it significantly increases both balance and balance recovery -- far better than any other weapon. And like a tagging weapon ought to be, it deals little damage, comparable to, but not quite as little as cloth bracers. It should be the ideal tagging weapon, especially for nonfighters with their poor accuracy and problems with balance, but the cost is not cheap. It costs 5000c and a piece of metal, and is hardly discounted on the rare occasion one is sold second-hand. And they wear down. They can be repaired by trained blacksmiths if they haven't been completely dulled. If it's been completely dulled, there is an NPC in the blacksmith hut that will sharpen it, for a price. Since one characteristic of a good tagging weapon is to be able to use it frequently, the possibility of wear and the cost of upkeep is a deterrent for using it, which in turn makes the shiny dagger not-so-good a tagging weapon. Its ideal use is to tag when its accuracy bonus is enough to hit within a few tries something otherwise hard to hit. It is also a great weapon to use when a bit of extra defense is needed, as the bonuses to balance and balance recovery make it easier to deflect blows.
The paradox for nonfighters is that by the time they might be able to afford a shiny dagger, they won't be able to tag within a few tries anything worth any experience to them.
Sword of Souls

Backstory: The sword of souls (SoS) is a magical weapon, which steals the soul of anyone who is slain by it. It is less effective against undine — whose souls have been purged from their bodies, even without the magical element the SoS makes a fine weapon. However because of its action of stealing the souls of all it has slain, many healers and some fighters shun it because it is against their morals. Some healers will even refuse to hunt with anyone who uses a SoS. Given their suspicious origin, some suspect the SoS is an evil device. A few scholars believe these swords are forged with the souls of the greatest of undine, and are intelligent. They also suspect the power absorbed by these swords will someday be used by the intelligent swords against their wielder and both imprison their soul while the Greater Undine the sword was forged from will possess the physical body, and once again become among the living, with all their powers intact (perhaps some of them channeled from the souls trapped in the sword.)
The SoS gives accuracy and damage bonuses while decreasing balance capacity and recovery rate, and increasing the amount of balance used per swing.
Taintless Club

Taintless clubs are equal to roguewood clubs in every respect. What makes them special is that only exiles that fought and lived through the ripture wars possess these items. They cannot be sold. Because of the historic and sentimental value they hold to the exiles that brought them through the Adytum to the new physical plane we now exist on, they are usually kept, although sometimes stored.
Note: for more information on the Ripture Wars and the Adytum, consult the Puddleopedia
Tell Blade

The Tell Blade conserves atkus on things you can hit easily from any angle. The Tell blade is not trainable. Tell's Atkus conservation is based on your Fell ranks. It conserves up to 2 Atkus per Fell rank. So, only Champions can get the most out of it.