Command Reference

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Listing a command with a ? question mark after it, will give you the a small manual including syntax for that command in your status bar. Use /help or ?? to list all commands.

Note: Most macros commands do not need to be completely written out if there is no other possible match to the fragment. For instance /useitem can be shortened to /usei because there is no other command that matches the first 4 characters.

Commonly used commands

/action {action taken}: (macro shortcut: aa) Makes your character do something. Example: /action makes some tea outputs your name and then the action, "/{your name} makes some tea." If you start the /action with a single quote it concatenates your name with the quote mark. Example, if your name was Sai: /action 's pantaloons are magnificent. outputs, "Sai's pantaloons are magnificent."

/anonthank {exile name} {message}: Thanks the recipient anonymously with a message you attach.

/block {exile name}: blocks an exile from having their speech, actions, narrations or yells show up in your player window. A grey box goes around their name to show you they are blocked. However their speech still shows up in you log. For more severe shunning, use /ignore. To unblock a person, use the menu option under the Command menu.

/boot {exile name}: boots an Agratis after he or she has one bad karma. Use this command to kick annoying demo account players out of town center and to the fairgrounds. Also see /block and /ignore.

/curse {name} {reason}: This give one BK (bad karma). Curses the person named and gives a reason if you wish. If you don't include a reason then the karma given is anonymous, otherwise it's signed with your name.

/equip {item}: Equips whatever item in your inventory that is equipable. If you already have something in that item slot it unequips it and replaces it with the item you chose.

/examine: examines the selected armor or other items that wear and checks the condition. Items that are listed as ready to fall apart can break. Have the item repaired before using it again because if the item breaks, currently you get back very little if any materials from the broken item. Some items are non-repairable Healers who have fallen can also use the "/examine" command with their moonstone to see how dead they are. In addition, the "/examine" command can be used to see what is in any kind of container, such as zu bags, potion bandoliers, etc.

/help: Lists the command available in game. Using /help is the same as using ??

/ignore {exile name}: blocks an exile from having their speech, actions, narrations or yells show up in your player window and your text log. Their character sprite becomes an outline. For less severe shunning, use /block. To unignore a person, use the menu option under the Command menu.

/label {player name} color: Labels an exile one of 5 colors red, orange, green, blue, or purple. Use none to remove a label or use /forget {player name}. You can label many exiles the same color. In other words you can label more than 5 exiles. One benefit of labeling is that when that exile comes in or out of the lib, a bold status message will appear for that exile in the message area (assuming you haven't turned off character notifications).

/name {text}: names an item selected in the inventory window with the text you enter.

/options {option name} {option}: instructions can be found by using a "?" options: for instance /options ? speech will list the options for speech./options list will list all the things you can set. Currently the setting you can set are*: speech speed [slow|medium|fast|zoom], tip of the day [off|on], skinning [off|on], jury duty [off|on], icon [armed|unarmed] (* The Defaults are in bold.) So, to set speech to zoom, you'd type: /options speech zoom

/ponder {text}: (macro shortcut: pp) Places the message text in a thought bubble.

/pose {pose name}: poses include angry, attack <direction>, bless, bow, celebrate, cry, kneel, leanleft, leanright, lie, salute, seated, sit, stand <direction>, surprised and thoughtful.

/pull {name}: Exchange places with the named person. This command is used to forcibly trade places with another character. This command can only be used once every 10 seconds. Command-P is the keyboard shortcut to pull the selected character.

/push {name}: Pushes the named person a few feet. This command is used to forcibly move another character. This command can only be used once every 5 seconds. Command-[ is the keyboard shortcut to push the selected character.

/select {name}: This selects another character with which can be the target of keyboard shortcuts and macros that use @selplayer_name in them.

/share {/lock} {name}: shares the person named. You have 5 share slots with which you can share anyone. When the limit is reached adding any more people will cause the oldest share to drop off the list. If the optional argument /lock is used then the character named is shared and their name will not drop off the list until you manually /unshare {name} them. It is a good idea to share healers healing you. Also, a person has to share a mystic to be teleported with the mystic. Command-S shares the selected person.

/status {message}: announces the message to status channel. The status channel is read by several applications and webpages, including Skirwan's iClan, Reiger's Clan Lord Informer, as well as the Delta Tao's CL Informer web page, which allow offline players to monitor the goings on in the game.

/thank {name} {reason}: This gives one GK. Thanks the person named and gives a reason if you wish. If you don't include a reason then the karma given is anonymous, otherwise it's signed with your name. Command - T is the keyboard shortcut to thank the selected character. Comand-T thanks the selected person anonymously.

/think {message}: (macro shortcut: t) This sends out a sunstone message to everyone with a sunstone, suncrystal or sungem equipped. You must equip your sunstone before use.

/thinkgroup {message}: This sends out a sungem message to a preset group (made with /sungem /add {name}.

/thinkto {name} {message}: (Default macro shortcut: tt) This sends a private sunstone message directly to a person. Only the person named can read the message. You must equip your sunstone before use.

/unequip{slot name|item name}: This unequips an item by the name of the slot or by the name of the item. If you had your Axe equipped then you could type either /unequip right or /unequip axe to accomplish the same thing.

/use: (macro shortcut: uu) Uses the item in the right hand only and lists its default use.

/useitem {item name|slot name}: Uses the named item or the item in the slot. For example, equipping a bag of kudzu seedlings, one could either type /useitem left or /useitem bagofkudzuseedlings.

/useitem sungem /add {playername}: adds an exile to a /thinkgroup if a Sungem is equipped.

/useitem sungem /clear: clears a /thinkgroup

/useitem sungem /remove {playername}: removes an exile from a /thinkgroup.

/useitem sungem /who \r: lists who is in your /thinkgroup.

/whisper {message}: (macro shortcut: wh) Whispers the text after the command. the message will be displayed in a dashed line bubble and only people within 2 exile lengths will be able to see it. Example: "/whisper I'm trying to be quiet because the fens are all sleeping."

/yell {message}: (macro shortcut: yy) Yells the message so that everyone in the snell can read it.