Group Etiquette
Dire Situations
The most critical group hunt situation is the blood bath. This is where there are enough monsters to overwhelm the group, and the party could be lost. Fighters are all injured and your combined group health looks like it's dropping below 50%. At this point the priority switches from running around tagging randomly to focusing on one creature at a time — either the greatest threat to the group, or the ones closest to death. Tags are not as important to the survival of the group, and at this point everyone should be fighting their best. If you can hit, kill it fast. If you can't hit, get clear if there's someone that could use your spot to attack.
During these potentially fatal situations, healers should focus on keeping the fighters standing and themselves alive instead of raising the fallen. Fallen not close to the party can give updates to the main group about the creatures around them.
If a key fighter is fallen, healers might want to raise them over keeping weaker fighters that can’t kill things up.
Again, this is a guideline. In general keeping standing fighters and healers up increases the odds of survival more than raising non-key fighters and healers. See Overall Group Survival for more.
Casual Hunting
The second situation is casual hunting, where the group is in little danger. During these times, fighters should make sure to tag a creature and back away far enough so another fighter can get his or her tag in quickly. If you hear the phrase "no camping" spoken to you during a hunt, it means you've violated the right of other fighters in your party to take their swing at whatever you're killing by standing next to a monster while waiting for your balance to regenerate. Only bricks and rods should not move away, and at the same time bricks shouldn't be hacking away at things until they are certain that all have tagged. If a fighter with far too little atkus swings and swings but gets no hits, it is up to the brick and group leader(s) to decide how long to wait for the exile to hit before calling "kill" on the beast. Until then the exile(s) who haven't hit should waste no time talking about how they're not going to hit. and at most say "kill" to signal they don't mind not tagging. If a fighter says "no hit" it means they haven't hit and would like people to restrain from killing a beast until that person hits.
Some fighters actually use their body position and facing to indicate whether they've tagged or not. If a fighter is facing toward a monster after moving back from it, it means that they have yet to hit, and if the fighter turns their back on a monster, that means they're done with it. If a fighter lays down, or sleeps, even if they're the brick, it means they're done as well, and maybe even bored. Less in-character, but even clearer is saying the checkmark: option-v.
If there are multiple beasts in the area running loose, it is good etiquette to only hit each one once, and even better etiquette to use your knowledge of how a beast moves to set it up to run closer to a fighter who has not hit. It is also good etiquette for Healers and non-combatants and fighters who have already hit to stay out of the way of a fighter going after a tag. As a general rule, if no one attacks a beast for more than 3 seconds and the entire party is in view, the brick or closest fighter to it may deal a death blow.
In this situation, healers can choose whether to heal the most injured or any fallen. If everyone is green or white, some healers may elect to go for a tag for fun.
Rangers working on learning movements and more should be given the opportunity to get them provided the group is in no danger. The general guidelines are:
- Try to respect the lasting ranger’s lasts
- Make sure not to tag red creatures
- make sure to let lasting ranger reach the creatures they are trying to last, by making sure you are not standing between them and the creature they are lasting.
- Raising a fallen lasting ranger if it is safe, and they have a good chance of lasting the creature
- If more than one ranger is on the same creature, they should either take turns or negotiate presence.
- If one of the two (or more rangers) on the same creature is fallen, they cede their right to the lastie to the other standing lasting rangers.
Likewise the lasting rangers should realize:
- they must remind people of their last
- hang back until all others able to hit, tag their last so their kill shot nets the most benefit for the group
- try to distinguish accidental last stealing from intentional
- Forgive accidental killshots
- Remind people of their lasts on intentional kills
- Realize that if they cannot reliably hit a creature, the group has every right to kill it if too much time has passed or the group is in danger
- tell the group to kill things they are lasting if you are giving up or you see the situation is starting to endanger the group
When there are less than 5 healers, or 4 healers and a mystic, and you have left over shares, it is common courtesy to suggest a share circle. Fighters form a loose circle and share as many people clockwise as they have spare shares. If you have 3 healers and 4 fighters, share the two fighters next in the circle going clockwise. The share circle is always clockwise by convention. When your shares to people are set and the shares from fighters are set, you say "set" to let everyone know you are ready to continue the hunt. Not saying "set" simply delays the hunt.
When there are more than 5 healer in you group, lock a mystic (if you have one), and any non-cadding healers and activate Gorvin's sharecads macro. Pay attention to who is healing you though. Share cads is not a substitute for paying attention to who is healing you. Remember: sharing non-cadders is vital to their livelihood. So, manually remember to share the healer if you haven't locked him or her each time he or she heals you.
Rest breaks are standard fare and are often taken at safe places. Breaks are usually 5 minutes long and exiles should return to their keyboard at the agreed upon time. Breaks are usually taken in areas that pose little threat to exiles if the creatures who inhabit them spawned. More dangerous areas are usually balanced by safe areas the group can retreat to for breaks.
Breaks are also a good time to chat about whatever crosses your mind, or role play, depending on your group. Some groups dispense completely with role-playing during breaks and joke around and talk about TV or movies or even computers. If you're in a group with stricter role-players it's more appropriate to stay in character.
Breaks are usually agreed on, and taken at a logical place. If you need to take a break, and there's no logical place to do so, let the other players know in advance that you'll be needing to take a break in X minutes. Taking a break by simply announcing it, and running off before anyone has a chance to respond is rude, and could be hazardous to your and your group's health. If you can't avoid it, ask if it's okay, and give a time estimate on how soon you'll be back or ask/offer to go to a safe or at least safer area if one is nearby.
There are many individual and group goals during a hunt, sometimes it's to rank up, sometimes it's to gain a rare item, sometimes it's to beat the clock. However there are priorities that should supersede any group goal when the safety of the entire group is at stake. Some of these may seem like little things, but little things can add up quickly if the situation gets out of hand and you suddenly have a blood bath to deal with.