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  • More help for the typing impaired. Includes Phineas' Pie-O-Matic and Noivad's clump adverts.



  • Save text from code section into a file called funactions.mac to your /clanlord/data/macros folder.

Noteworthy Techniques[edit]

  • Moved from Default file into this file to consolidate various fun things to do.
  • Alphabetized macros. Helps when maintaining them.


  • Pie-O-Matic is Phineas'
  • CLUMP URL ref is Noivad's
  • Most of the rest are by Inu. Some are created after seeing other exiles use these in game.


// funactions.mac
// This macro file is for fun and common things you do...
// add yours with words that make sense to you...
// RevLog:
// 200611-Inu: Created long based on Noivad's and others abbreviation lists with many of my own
//             thrown in.

set lsaveitem 		@my.left_item

"afk"	"/ponder afk " @text "\r"
"aki"	"/pose akimbo \r"
"ang"	"/pose angry \r"
"/at"	"/pose attack " @text "\r"
"/ate"	"/pose attack east \r"
"/atw"	"/pose attack west \r"
"bk"	"/action blows kisses to " @selplayer.simple_name "\r"
"bless"	"/pose bless \r"
"/bles"	"/pose bless \r"
"/bow"	"/pose bow \r"
"/cele"	"/pose celebrate \r"
"/chuk"	"/action chuckles \r"
"/cof"	"/action coughs \r"
	if @text == ""
		"/action conks " @selplayer.simple_name " with her silly stick \r"
		"/action conks " @text " with her silly stick \r"
	end if

"cry"	"/pose cry \r"

set @env.key_interrupts false
set @env.click_interrupts false
"/pose lie\r"
"/action goes out of her mind for a bit \r"
pause 12
message AFKing with anti time-out active.
setglobal mStop 0
pause 1
message "** Control-tab to stop."
label notoloop
	if mStop == 0
			"/narrate singing ...\r"
			pause 12
			"/ponder I think I'm going out of my mind... \r"
			"/narrate sings totally off key and lounge lizard like \r"
			pause 12
			"/ponder  Feelings... Nothing more than feelings \r"
			"/narrate She is out of her mind I say! \r"
		end random
		goto endafk
	end if
	end random
	pause 400
goto notoloop
LABEL endafk

	"/action slaps forehead \r" 
	pause 5 
	"doh! \r"
"/dream"	"/ponder coins.... kitties... furs.....coins...zzz \r"

"gig"		"/action giggles \r"
"hug"   	"/action hugs " @selplayer.simple_name "\r"
"/hug"		"/action hugs " @text "\r"
"/kirby"	"(>^-^)>"
"/knl"		"/pose kneel \r"
"/kneel" 	"/pose kneel \r"
"laf"   	"/action laughs \r"
"lay"   	"/pose lie \r"
"ll" 		"/pose leanleft \r"
"/lpush" 	call lpush
"\lpush" 	call lpush
"lr" 		"/pose leanright \r"
"/nod"		"/action nods \r"
// "ps" 	call @text
"\pie" 		call pie-o-matic
"/pie" 		call pie-o-matic
"/pika"		"(=^_^=)"
"pom" 		call pie-o-matic
"\pom" 		call pie-o-matic
"/pom" 		call pie-o-matic
"pll"    	"/pull " @text "\r"
"psh"    	"/push " @text "\r"
"/sal" 		"/pose salute \r"
"/sb"		"/action Tosses Smoochy Boochies at " @text "\r"
"sings"		"/action sings tra la-la la-la...\r"
"sit"   	"/pose seated \r"
"sit2"  	"/pose sit \r"
"sit3"		"/pose kneel \r"
"sm"		"/action smiles " @text "\r"
"sma"		"/action smiles at " @text "\r"
"/snow"		"/usei 'pairofmittens' " @text "\r"
"st"		"/pose stand \r"
"/surp" 	"/pose surprised \r"
"/toss"		"/usei 'mittens' " @text "\r"
"wl" 		"/pose walkleft \r"
"wr" 		"/pose walkright \r"
	"/action waves \r"
	"/pose cele \r"
	"/pose salute \r"
"wva"		"/action waves at " @text "\r"
"wub"		"/ponder wubb wubb wubb wubb \r"

//== Longer Actions ============================================

//clap X times
set clapNumber 0
set clapTotal 5
	"/action applauds \r"
	"/action claps \r"
	"/action claps wildly \r"
end random

if @text != ""
	if @text > 0
		set clapTotal @text
	end if
end if
LABEL Clapping
	set clapNumber + 1
	"/pose bless \r"
	"/pose akimbo \r"
	if clapNumber < clapTotal
		GOTO Clapping
	end if
end label

//spin X times
set spinNumber 0
set spinTotal 2
if @text != ""
     if @text > 0
          set spinTotal @text
     end if
end if
LABEL top_spin
   set spinNumber + 1
   call spin
   if mStop == 0
		if spinNumber < spinTotal
			GOTO top_spin
		end if
	end if
end label

//spin X times
set spinNumber 0
set spinTotal 2
if @text != ""
     if @text > 0
          set spinTotal @text
     end if
end if
LABEL top_spin
   set spinNumber + 1
   call spin2
   if mStop == 0
		if spinNumber < spinTotal
			GOTO top_spin
		end if
	end if
end label

//spin & fall
set spinNumber 0
set spinTotal 2
if @text != ""
    message "made it to custom spins"
    set spinTotal @text.word[0]
end if
LABEL SpinFirst
	set spinNumber + 1
	call spin
	if mStop == 0
		if spinNumber < spinTotal
			GOTO SpinFirst
		end if
	end if
end	label
"/pose lie \r"

	"/pose stand east \r"
	"/pose stand southeast \r"
	"/pose stand south \r"
	"/pose stand southwest \r"
	"/pose stand west \r"
	"/pose stand northwest \r"
	"/pose stand north \r"
	"/pose stand northeast \r"

	"/pose stand south \r"
	"/pose stand southeast \r"
	"/pose stand east \r"
	"/pose attack northeast \r"
	"/pose stand north \r"
	"/pose attack northwest \r"
	"/pose stand west \r"
	"/pose stand southwest \r"
		"/pose akimbo \r"
		"/pose surp \r"
		"/pose bless \r"
		"/pose angry \r"
		"/pose leanright \r"
	end random

// shuffle
	"/pose leanleft \r"
	pause 1
	"/pose angry \r"
	pause 1
	"/pose leanright \r"
	pause 1
	"/pose leanleft \r"
	pause 1
	"/pose angry \r"
	pause 1
	"/pose leanright \r"
	pause 1
	"/pose leanleft \r"
	pause 1
	"/pose angry \r"
	pause 1
	"/pose leanright \r"
	pause 1
	"/pose angry \r"
	pause 1
	"/pose leanleft \r"
	pause 1
	"/pose angry \r"
	pause 1
	"/pose leanright \r"
	pause 1
	"/pose leanleft \r"
	pause 1
	"/pose angry \r"
	pause 1
	"/pose leanright \r"
	pause 1
	"/pose leanleft \r"
	pause 1
	"/pose angry \r"
	pause 1
	"/pose leanright \r"
	pause 1
	"/pose leanleft \r"
	pause 1
	"/pose angry \r"
	pause 1
	"/pose leanright \r"
	pause 1
	"/pose angry \r"
	pause 1
	"/pose leanleft \r"
	pause 1
	"/pose angry \r"
	pause 1
	"/pose leanright \r"
	pause 1
	"/pose angry \r"
	pause 1
	"/pose leanright \r"

message "** Long Push activated."
message "** Control-tab to stop."
pause 1
setglobal mStop 0
pause 1
if @text != ""
	set pushee @text
	goto loop
end if
if @selplayer.simple_name == ""
	message "** /lpush <player> to push <player> or /lpush to push the selected player."
	goto endlpush
end if
if @text == ""
	set pushee @selplayer.simple_name
	goto loop
end if
goto endlpush

label loop
	if mStop == 0
		"/push " pushee "\r"
		pause 14
		goto loop
		goto endlpush
	end if
end label
LABEL endlpush
message "** Long Push Stopped."

//== clump output ==========================
//This macro outputs the URL for
	set wordNumber 1
	if @text.word[0] == "ts"
		setglobal ssTarget @text.word[1]
		message "targeting: " ssTarget
		set wordNumber 2
		"/thinkto " ssTarget
	else if @text.word[0] == "tc"
		"/thinkto " ssTarget
	else if @text.word[0] == "wh"
		"/whisper "
	else if @text.word[0] == "say"
		message "*This macro outputs the url for /files or the CL page."
		pause 8
		message "*Type 'wh', 'say', 'ts <name>' or 'tc' after /noinet for the send method."
		pause 8
		message "*Type 'clan', 'clump', 'files' or 'mp3s' after the send method."
		pause 6
		message "(i.e. '/noinet ts talin cl')"
		goto endNoiNet
	end if

	if @text.word[wordNumber] == "files"
	else if @text.word[wordNumber] == "clan"
	else if @text.word[wordNumber] == "clump"
	else if @text.word[wordNumber] == "mp3s"
		@text.word[wordNumber] "\r"
	end if
LABEL endNoiNet


// Phineas' Pie-O-Matic
// Pie-O-Matic!  Phineas  Jun 02
// Why throw just one pie when you can throw them all?
// *** What we're doing ***
// We're going to throw every pie in your inventory
// at a predetermined target (Prue).  To do so:
// * We need to make sure that Prue is still around
// * We need to make sure that we have a pie to throw
// * Reload and fire again until all pies have been lobbed

// You can specify a different target by
// adding the target's name after the command:
// Example: "pom phineas" will target Phineas instead of Prue

// Revisions:
// 20070521-Inu: changed default target to DragonHawk, moved to AlternateDefault.

   setglobal pies_thrown 0
   call pom_confirm_target
   if target_validation == pie_target
      call pom_pie_management
// If we get to here, then our target is not in the lands :/
      message "*" pie_target "is hiding in the library like a coward!"
   end if

// Here is where we throw all of our pies

label another_pie
   call pom_confirm_ammo
   if pie_validation == "tangleberry pie"
      setglobal pies_thrown + 1
      call pom_load_and_throw
      goto another_pie
// If we get to here, then we have no more pies to throw! :(
      message "* Take cover; we're out of pie-mmunition!"
   end if

// Take a pie, throw a pie

   "\equip \"tangleberry pie\"\r"
   "\use " pie_target "\r"
   message "* Fire number" pies_thrown "!"

// Confirm that we have pies left to throw

   setglobal pie_validation ""
   "\selectitem \"tangleberry pie\"\r"
   setglobal pie_validation @my.selected_item

// Confirm that our target is accessible

   setglobal pie_target default_pie_target
   if @text != ""
      "\select " @text "\r"
      setglobal pie_target @selplayer.simple_name
   end if
   if pie_target == ""
      setglobal pie_target default_pie_target
   end if
   setglobal target_validation ""
   "\select " pie_target "\r"
   setglobal target_validation @selplayer.simple_name


  • 20081029-inu:
