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Lorikeet 6/9/08--It's really difficult at this point to give a number which "guarantees" entrance to a pf. For example, the Wisher's Gate pf can be opened by a 100 rank pathfinder, but sometimes someone with 130 can't open it. It might be better to give the minimum and explain that sometimes you have to sit in front of paths to learn them, and paths can be forgotten. The pf from the foothill spider cave to CD and from the Foothills to the spider cave can be opened by 100 rank pathfinders, but not always and not a guarantee. The pf from CD to the other side of the Foothills in the Orga Outback needs a Trillbane pathfinder in both directions, but it is also not a guarantee. As far as I remember, the "hard" 100 rank pfs (could be opened by some, but not all, of those with that amount) were the Wisher's Gate entrance, the Wisher's Gate exit, the Fat Alice snell southeast entrance to KI, the entrance to McBolie's on DI and the exit to the Drake den area, the exit from Alchemist's Folly, and the bear cave pf from the east forest entrance snell north to the "Trophy Room." That's all I remember now.

Hmm you may also want to rethink the division of the pfs. After 100, I don't recall anything new that opened at 110 or 120 (basing this on the idea of when you can open, not when you can open for sure, as explained above). It might be better to have a list that went 100, 130, 139 (140) [depending if you get two trips to book 2], 172, and 190. Those would match the training more closely, and would be easier to keep track of.