Trainer Progress Mesages-Nightbird

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Nightbird’s Trainer Messages Macro

Nightbird wrote this macro many years ago, before there were messages (or exiles with ranks) beyond 2249. I modified it to remove the ponder and place the ranges in a sidebar message so it would be less OOC and remove the spaminess of it. When you have 3 people running the original macro, your text log gets really spammy.

Copy and paste the macro into a file and include the file using the Macro installation instructions on this site (basically add the line: include "trainer-nightbird.txt" to your default macros file and the line: @login call trainer_messages if you do not have an @login macor or, add the line: call trainer_messages to you @login macro )

"/trainer" call trainer_messages

label looptrainerscript
setglobal trainerphrase @env.textLog
if trainerphrase <
   if trainerphrase.word[3] == "says,"
     setglobal trainer trainerphrase.word[2]
     call WhichPhrase
   else if trainerphrase.word[4] == "says,"
     setglobal trainer trainerphrase.word[2]
     setglobal trainer + " "
     setglobal trainer + trainerphrase.word[3]
     call WhichPhrase
   else if trainerphrase.word[1] == "says,"
     setglobal trainer trainerphrase.word[0]
     call WhichPhrase
   else if trainerphrase.word[2] == "says,"
     setglobal trainer trainerphrase.word[0]
     setglobal trainer + " "
     setglobal trainer + trainerphrase.word[1]
     call WhichPhrase
    end if
end if

pause 1
goto looptrainerscript

"/trainerall" call trainerall

label looptrainerscript

setglobal trainerphrase @env.textLog

if trainerphrase.word[3] == "says,"
     setglobal trainer trainerphrase.word[2]
     call WhichPhrase
else if trainerphrase.word[4] == "says,"
     setglobal trainer trainerphrase.word[2]
     setglobal trainer + " "
     setglobal trainer + trainerphrase.word[3]
     call WhichPhrase
else if trainerphrase.word[1] == "says,"
     setglobal trainer trainerphrase.word[0]
     call WhichPhrase
else if trainerphrase.word[2] == "says,"
     setglobal trainer trainerphrase.word[0]
     setglobal trainer + " "
     setglobal trainer + trainerphrase.word[1]
     call WhichPhrase
end if
pause 1
goto looptrainerscript

if trainerphrase < "You have much to learn."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 0-9.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "It is good to see you."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 10-19.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "Your persistence is paying off."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 20-29.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "You are progressing well."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 30-39.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "You are a good pupil of mine."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 40-49.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "You are one of my better pupils."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 50-99.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "You keep me on my toes."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 100-149.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "It is hard to find more to teach you."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 150-199.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "Teaching you is a challenge."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 200-249.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "There is not much more I can teach you."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 250-299.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "Teaching you has taught me much."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 300-349.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "You have attained tremendous skill."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 350-399.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "We are nearly equals."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 400-449.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "You may be proud of your accomplishment."
    "/ponder " trainer ": 450-499.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "You are becoming a master of our art."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 500-549.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "Your dedication is commendable."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 550-599.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "You show great devotion to your studies."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 600-649.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "You are a credit to our craft."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 650-699.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "Few indeed are your peers."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 700-749.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "Your devotion to the craft is exemplary."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 750-799.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "It is always good to greet a respected colleague."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 800-899.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "You are truly a grand master."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 900-999.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "Let us search for more we might learn together."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 1000-1249.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "Your persistence is an example to us all."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 1250-1499.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "Your skill astounds me."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 1500-1749.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "You have progressed further than most."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 1750-1999.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "You are nearly peerless."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 2000-2249.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "You are a model of dedication."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 2250-2499.\r"
else if trainerphrase < "You have achieved mastery."
   "/ponder " trainer ": 2500+\r"
end if