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- This file contains Sunstone usage macros. Speed dial, think falling at, think to.
- Alternate Default
- uses global var MySunStone
- uses FallingAt & FallingLocSet global variables that are set with AlternateDefault's Set macro - specifically '/set loc <location>'.
- You still need a modified tc_macro.mac for the thinkto group and thinkto clan macros.
- Save text from code section into a file called sunstone.mac to your /clanlord/data/macros folder.
Noteworthy techniques[edit]
- Usage of variables vice item names, to make upgrades easier. So when you upgrade an item (like a sunstone to a suncrystal or sungem) you only need to change one variable declaration in your macros and all your macros will now use the correct item. Note this is assuming you use the same global variable in those macros for that type of item.
- Noivad mostly, rest Inu.
//------------------------------------------------ // sunstone.mac //------------------------------------------------ // Speed dial section - to send messages to friends quicker // "/tbeer" "/thinkto Beer " @text "\r" "/tboo" "/thinkto BooBooKitty " @text "\r" "/tcra" "/thinkto CrazyOx " @text "\r" "/tcrz" "/thinkto CrazyOx " @text "\r" "/tdra" "/thinkto DragonHawk " @text "\r" "/tdro" "/thinkto DragonHawk ooc: " @text "\r" "/tfin" "/thinkto Finegas " @text "\r" "/tgrem" "/thinkto Gremlins " @text "\r" "/till" "/thinkto Illora " @text "\r" "/tmar" "/thinkto Mars " @text "\r" "/tmiu" "/thinkto Miug " @text "\r" "/tmax" "/thinkto Maximus " @text "\r" "/tny" "/thinkto Nyla " @test "\r" "/tnoi" "/thinkto Noivad " @text "\r" "/tpun" "/thinkto Punisher " @text "\r" "/trat" "/thinkto Ratchet " @text "\r" "/trav" "/thinkto Ravenstorm " @text "\r" "/ttho" "/thinkto Thoomilicious " @text "\r" //------------------------------------------------ // Noivad's main Think macro //------------------------------------------------ "t" { if @my.forehead_item != MySunStone setglobal fitem @my.forehead_item "/equip " MySunstone " \r" else setglobal fitem @my.forehead_item end if "/think " @text "\r" // if modeVerbose == 1 if == "Noivad" "/pose thoughtful\r" { random "/narrate A burst of light shines and sound warbles from " "'s Sungem.\r" or "/action 's sungem glows for a brief moment.\r" or "/narrate " "'s Sungem emits a warm glow.\r" end random } end if // end if if fitem != @my.forehead_item "/equip " fitem "\r" end if } //------------------------------------------------ // TF macro //------------------------------------------------ // this macro sends ss to you say where you are falling // Note: if you do /set loc <yourloc> before you fall so you can simply type tf "tf" { if @my.forehead_item != MySunStone setglobal fitem @my.forehead_item "/equip " MySunStone "\r" set fromTT 1 else setglobal fitem @my.forehead_item end if if FallingLocSet == 1 if @text == "" "/think falling soon near: " FallingAt "\r" else "/think falling soon near: " FallingAt " (or: " @text " )\r" end if else "/think falling soon at/near " @text "\r" end if } //------------------------------------------------ // Noivad's ThinkTo macro //------------------------------------------------ // this macro make sure that, as long as you have a sun*, you can get a message off "tt" { if @my.forehead_item != MySunStone setglobal fitem @my.forehead_item "/equip " MySunStone "\r" set fromTT 1 else setglobal fitem @my.forehead_item end if "/thinkto " @text "\r" if modeVerbose == 1 if == "Noivad" call ThinkToAction end if end if pause 2 if fitem != @my.forehead_item "\equip " fitem "\r" end if } //------------------------------------------------ // Subroutines used in Think Macros (Noivad's) //------------------------------------------------ Litemcheck { pause 1 if lsaveitem != "Nothing" "\equip " lsaveitem "\r" else "\unequip" left "\r" end if } //------------------------------------------------ // Fancy shmancy thinking (Noivad's) //------------------------------------------------ ThinkToAction { "/pose thoughtful\r" random "/narrate A burst of light shines and sound echoes from the sungem.\r" or "/action 's sungem glows for a second.\r" or "/narrate " "'s Sungem emits a warm glow.\r" or "/narrate The image of " ssTarget " becomes visible in " "'s Sungem.\r" end random if fromTT == 1 pause 2 if fitem != @my.forehead_item "\equip " fitem "\r" end if end if }
- 2008012x-inu: Posted