
Revision as of 04:00, 25 August 2010 by Mwadmin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Description== * Directions to/from various places of interest. Kiriel's code is for Devil's Island. ==Dependencies== * Depends on none. Used by AlternateDefault. ==Usage== *...")
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  • Directions to/from various places of interest. Kiriel's code is for Devil's Island.


  • Depends on none. Used by AlternateDefault.


  • Save text from code section into a file called directions.mac to your /clanlord/data/macros folder.
  • Use in game by typing: /dir <Area> <Location>
    • Example: /dir DI pit

Noteworthy Techniques[edit]

  • Modified Kiriel's Devil's Island didir to make generic so one call with a parameter will call appropriate directions
  • Can add additional directions for additional areas by adding another option for first parameter checked in dir and filling in appropriate calls for the locations included.



// directions.mac
// directional macros, Courtesy of Kiriel D'Sol
// 20070127-inu: Modded to make generic so one call with a parameter will call appropriate directions

	if @text.word[0] == "DI"
		call didir
	end if
// Devil's Isle Directions v1.0
// Based on the map created by Lundar which is no longer available
// Macro created by Kiriel D'Sol
// Notify if you find a mistake or want to suggest an improvement
 if @text.word[1] == "zwoods"
  message "Directions to Zerk Woods:"
  message "Land at S beach"
  message "Go N, N to south voolcons snell"
  message "Go W (area to east is semi-safe if retreat is needed)"
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "fireb"
  message "Directions to Fireburst Snell:"
  message "Land at S beach"
  message "Go N, N, N to north voolcons snell"
  message "Go W to fireburst area"
  message "Note that fallens on firebursts should be chained before healing, as fire may spread if you stand too close"
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "nvool"
  message "Directions to North Voolcons:"
  message "Land at S beach"
  message "Go N, N, N to north voolcons snell"
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "svool"
  message "Directions to South Voolcons (Main Voolcon Snell):"
  message "Land at S beach"
  message "Go N, N to south voolcons snell"
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "nevool"
  message "Directions to Northeast Voolcons:"
  message "Land at S beach"
  message "Go N, N to main voolcons snell"
  message "Go E, E, then N in the NE corner"
  message "Go N to northeast voolcons snell"
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "pit"
  message "Directions to The Pit:"
  message "Land at N beach"
  message "Go E, S, S"
  message "Go E to The Pit snell"
  message "To enter The Pit, go N in NW corner along the E rock wall, then go S where the ground turns dark grey"
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "wurm"
  message "Directions to Wurm Cove:"
  message "Land at S beach"
  message "Go N, N, N to north voolcons snell"
  message "Go W to fireburst area (stay on edges to avoid firebursts)"
  message "Go N"
  message "Cave in NE corner (not clearly marked) is Wurm Cove"
  message "Note that exit for Wurm Cove is in S marked by a pile of rocks (the far SE corner is not the exit)"
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "satch"
  message "Directions to Satchel Cave:"
  message "Land at S beach"
  message "Go N, N, N to north voolcons snell"
  message "Go W to fireburst area (stay on edges to avoid firebursts)"
  message "Go N"
  message "Cave in NW corner is Satchel Cave"
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "skull"
  message "Directions to Skull Cave:"
  message "Land at NW corner (marshy area)"
  message "Go S, S"
  message "Skull Cave is in SE corner of the snell"
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "flowtow"
  message "Directions to Flower Tower:"
  message "Land at NW corner (marshy area)"
  message "Go S, S, W"
  message "Go S to Flower Tower field"
  message "Flower Tower is northeast a bit of the center"
  message "Note that to get out of Flower Tower can take a long time"
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "des"
  message "Directions to Desolate Cave:"
  message "Land at S beach"
  message "Go N, N to main voolcons snell"
  message "Go E"
  message "Desolate Cave is in SW corner of the snell, in the rocks to the north"
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "sulfur"
  message "Directions to Sulfur Cave:"
  message "Land at S beach"
  message "Go N, N to main voolcons snell"
  message "Go E"
  message "Sulfur Cave is near the N edge of the snell, in the rocks to the west"
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "mud"
  message "Directions to Muddy Cave:"
  message "Land at S beach"
  message "Go N, N to main voolcons snell"
  message "Go E, N, E"
  message "Muddy Cave is in the NW corner of the snell"
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "lava"
  message "Directions to Lava Cave:"
  message "Land at S beach"
  message "Go N, N to main voolcons snell"
  message "Go E, E, then N in the NE corner"
  message "Lava cave is in the west wall near the north edge of the snell"
  message "Note that the exit of the lava cave is marked by a little plume of smoke, in the south of the center rocks "
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "drift"
  message "Directions to Driftwood Cave:"
  message "Land at S beach"
  message "Go E, E"
  message "Enter Driftwood Cave from SE corner of rock pile is in the S edge of the snell, near the water"
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "dark"
  message "Directions to Dark Caves:"
  message "Land at N beach"
  message "Go S, E"
  message "Dark Caves is in the SE portion of the snell"
  message "Note that the Dark Caves is so dark you can't see inside, and is shaped like a Z"
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "mcb"
  message "Directions to McBollie Caverns:"
  message "Land at N beach"
  message "Go E, S"
  message "McBollie Caverns is in the S middle of the snell, in the rock wall next to the lake"
  message "Note that McBollie caverns requires a full pathfinder to enter and exit. Directions for navigating it are available in the McBollie caverns macro."
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "wet"
  message "Directions to Wet Cave:"
  message "Land at N beach"
  message "Go E, S"
  message "Wet Cave is in the SE corner of the snell"
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "bear"
  message "Directions to Bear Cave:"
  message "Land at N beach"
  message "Go E, E, S"
  message "Bear Cave is in the SW corner of the snell"
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "arach"
  message "Directions to Arachne Cave:"
  message "Land at N beach"
  message "Go E, E, S"
  message "Arachne Cave is in the middle of the snell, in the W side of the rocks in the center"
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "dampt"
  message "Directions to Damp Tunnel:"
  message "Damp Tunnel is in the NE corner of the isle"
  message "If you land just right you can get inside"
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "foot"
  message "Directions to Footprint Cave:"
  message "Land at the NE corner of the isle in the Damp Tunnel"
  message "Exit the Damp Tunnel"
  message "Footprint Cave is in the middle of the E edge of the snell"
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "spid"
  message "Directions to Spider Cave:"
  message "Keep trying to land on the E beach till you land in a forested spot"
  message "Spider Cave is in the northwest part of the snell"
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "rat"
  message "Directions to Rat Cave:"
  message "Land on the N beach"
  message "Go E, S, S"
  message "Go E, then N in the NW portion of the snell, hugging the wall to the east"
  message "Rat Cave is in the SW part of the snell"
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "bored"
  message "Directions to Bored Cave:"
  message "Land on the N beach"
  message "Go E, S, S, E"
  message "Bored Cave is hidden in the west side of the rock wall, nearer the south part of the wall"
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "river"
  message "Directions to River Cave:"
  message "Land on the N beach"
  message "Go E, S, S"
  message "River Cave is at the river edge in the SE corner"
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "oasis"
  message "Directions to Oasis:"
  message "Land on the S beach"
  message "Go E, E, E, N"
  message "Oasis is in the center of the snell"
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "fire"
  message "Directions to Fire Cave:"
  message "Enter the interior through McBollie Caverns"
  message "Once you exit the McBollie Caverns, go S, then E"
  message "Fire cave is in the SE corner"
  message "Exit to fire cave is in the N edge"
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "voolc"
  message "Directions to Voolcon Caverns:"
  message "Enter the interior through McBollie Caverns"
  message "Once you exit the McBollie Caverns, go S, S, W"
  message "Voolcon Caverns is in the SE corner on the north side of the wall"
  message ""
 else if @text.word[1] == "loclist"
  message "Southern Locations: oasis (Oasis), drift (Driftwood C.)"
  message "Western Locations: zwoods (Zerk Woods), fireb (Fireburst Snell), nvool (N Voolcons), svool (S Voolcons), wurm (Wurm C.), satch (Satchel C.), skull (Skull C.), flowtow (Flower Tower)"
  message "Northern Locations: dark (Dark C.), mcb (McBollie Caverns), wet (Wet C.), pit (The Pit), bear (Bear C.), arach (Arachne C.), river (River C.), rat (Rat C.), bored (Bored C.)"
  message "Eastern Locations: des (Desolate C.), sulfur (Sulfur C.), mud (Muddy C.), lava (Lava C.), nevool (NE Voolcons), spid (Spider C.)"
  message "Northeastern Locations: dampt (Damp Tunnel), foot (Footprint C.)"
  message "Interior Locations: firec (Fire C.), voolc (Voolcon Caverns)" 
  message "Usage: /dir DI locationname (or /dir DI loclist for a list of locations on Devils Island)"
  message "South beach landings assume you land in the farthest west beach, go west till you hit forest then east if you're not sure you're on the right beach"
  message "North beach landings assume you land in the snell with the hut, go east if you don't see the hut"
  message ""
 end if


  • 20080129-inu: Posted.
