
Revision as of 03:47, 25 August 2010 by Mwadmin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "right A Shieldstone is a ring that casts an aura around the user that prevents monsters from entering the aura and attacking the user. Only fighte...")
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A Shieldstone is a ring that casts an aura around the user that prevents monsters from entering the aura and attacking the user. Only fighters can use the shieldstone, and it draws on spirit to function. After a random number of uses the ring goes inert and needs to be recharged with 500c and a roguewood club.

Making a Shieldstone

Making a shieldstone requires 3 components. A piece of gold, an unrefined gem and a club. Also it costs money to refine the gold and gem and for the swap with the shieldstone maker.

Shieldstone Macro

f3 call Shieldstone
shift-f3 call UnShieldstone

if @my.finger_item != "Shieldstone"
	"/equip Shieldstone\r"
end if
"/usei finger\r"

shift-f13  call UnShieldstone

UnShieldstone "/unequip finger\r"