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Shares is an expansion of the default /share command to accept multiple names, to speed sharing groups of people. This newer version of thank sharers 2.x has full thank list building and thanking built in.
Optional Dependency on "/set debug" command in alternate default
just type in
sh <name> <name> <name> <name> <name>
to share up to your maximum number of people (5).
When you have karma to give
to thank the next person on the list. See the macro header for more information.
Noteworthy Techniques[edit]
Use of arrays.
message "*Shares Macro Loaded" /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | shareMultiple Version 1.1.3 | ThankGroup Version 2.5.3 | ------------------------------- Description ----------------------------- Shares is an expansion of the default /share command to accept multiple names, to ease sharing and thanking groups of people. ---------------------------------- Usage -------------------------------- ##### type "/th?" for online help type: sh [name*] [name] [name] [name] [name] to share up to your maximum number of people. *You can type partial names as you can with the default share command. /ths to build thank list of shares in and out /tn to thank the next person on the list /ath to automatically thank and set through the list ---------------------------------- Setup ---------------------------------- Add the line below to your default macro file: include "Shares.txt" Note: to work properly you might have to remove the line "sh" "/share " @text "\r" from your default macros file. or you can use other built in triggers: "shm" & "/shm" ------------------------------ Feedback/Info ------------------------------ This macro makes a list of people to thank numerous ways. Then you can call the AutoThank if you want to thank a person every 4 minutes (set with "delay" global. the delay by default is just over 4 minutes, 1200 Frames). The Default Triggers are listed below, feel free to edit them. A short description is listed next to each trigger. ** Thank Options controls several options. including just a number ("/tho 3") will set the person at that position in the list (3 in this case) as the next exile to thank. With "debug" set to 0 or 1 it will allow debug messages to show up and allow you to load a default list of people to thank into the ThankGroup by activating the default share shortcut,"sh", which you can set in listA below. With the "off" option ("/tho off") it turns off the AutoThank loop. *The v.2.1.3 comment format is as follows: <<m_macroname>> (default trigger|s <required text> [optional text]) short description. ** the single less than some text and greater than denotes strings so when you see "/thg [message]" ** the vertical bar "|" is used to denote valid options (arguments) the macro accepts ** all macros are prefixed with "m_" in the file for quick searching and avoiding false hits from "call <macro>" ** global variable have their type & [:specific function] in tech speak along with a short description If you find any bugs or have suggestions, contact noivad either in game or at his mac dot com address. This macro is "/Thank-ware." ------------------------- version change notes -------------------------- v.2.1.2 "ThankRandom" was added by request of Rroot (REMOVED 2.5) v.2.1.3 *fixed a small bug that threw an error, but didn't stop the macro *Added <<tags>> to functions and comments *Added ThankHelp macro v.2.1.4 Added ability to remove a person from the list with /thgc <number> *Added ThankGroup Help "/thh" or "/thgh" v2.1.5 bug fixes to list behavior broken in 2.1.4 feature addition v.2.1.6-7 bug fix for increment not working. v2.3 fixes moveUp bug. ThankRandom is Broken & has been v.2.5.2 & 1.1.2 won't add people that are already on list ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /****** Share Triggers ******/ "sh" call shareMultiList //changes /share to add multiple people "/shm" call shareMultiList // also adds to myTG "shm" call shareMultiList //Template:M shareMultiList /****** Thank Group Triggers ******/ "/moveup" call moveUp //removes players who are now offline "/th?" call ThankHelp //Online ThankGroup command help "/ath" call AutoThank //Starts an Automatic thank loop | "off" to stop "/thb" call BuildDefault //Builds the default or saved list "/thg" call ThankGroup //Thanks the next person on the list "/thga" call AddToThankGroup // Adds a person to ThankGroup list "/thgwho" call WhoAmIThanking // Shows the ThankGroup list "/thg?" call WhoAmIThanking // "/thgc" call ClearThankGroup //Clears out ThankGroup "/thgh" call ThankHelp //Online ThankGroup command help "/thgm" call ThankMessage //sets the message given with karma "/thm" call ThankMessage "/thh" call ThankHelp //Online ThankGroup command help "/thn" call ThankNext // Thanks next person in the list "/tho" call ThankOptions // see ** Above or Template:M ThankOptions below //"/thr" call ThankRandom // BROKEN: See * Above "/ths" call ThankSharers //loads shares into thank list "/tn" call ThankNext //Thanks the next person on list set debug 0 //<<debug>> (bool:toggle) turns on and off debugging set modeverbose 1 //first trigger will remind people how to use. set to 0 to turn off set theMessage " Thank you " //<<EditMe>> your default message set myThankGroup[0] "" //in case thankTarget is set to 0 set listA "Talin Silky Klur Natas Shadowfire" //EDIT to your friends /* ---- Do not Edit below this line if not Familiar with Macros ---- */ set slotG 1 //<<slotG>> (int:index) is the pointer for the list set currentIndex 1 //which slot is current set thankTarget 1 //internal current index set thankTotal 0 //<<thankTotal>> (int:sum) <<!=DO_NOT_EDIT>> {?}Number in list set ATH 0 //<<ATH>> (bool:toggle) controls automatic thanking set delay 1201 //<<delay>> (int:timer) controls pause between Template:M AutoThank set ht[0] "There is no entry here" set ent 0 set initSwitch 0 /* ******************** shareMultiple v1.1.3 *********************** */ //<<m_shareMultiList>> (sh|/shm|shm <name> [name]) shares & adds to list shareMultiList { setglobal ht[sh] "*'sh|/shm|shm <name> [name]' shares & adds exiles to list" setglobal ht[1] "*'sh|/shm|shm <name> [name]' shares & adds exiles to list" if slotG < 1 setglobal slotG 1 end if if @text != "" set count 0 label LOOP if count <= @text.num_words "/select " @text.word[count] " \r" if @selplayer.simple_name == "" set count + 1 goto LOOP end if "/share " @selplayer.simple_name " \r" if debug == 1 message "*attempted share with " @text.word[count] " in LOOP" end if pause 1 if "No player named " < @env.textLog set count + 1 goto LOOP end if set i 1 LABEL COMPARELOOP //ADDED 20220625 EXPERIMENTAL trying to search array for string if myThankGroup != "" //message "myThankGroup:" myThankGroup if myThankGroup < @selplayer.simple_name message @selplayer.simple_name "in myThankGroup" end if end if //ABOVE ADDED if myThankGroup[i] == @selplayer.simple_name message "* " " already in list SKIPPING" set count + 1 pause 25 goto LOOP else if i < thankTotal set i + 1 goto COMPARELOOP end if setglobal myThankGroup[slotG] @selplayer.simple_name pause 1 if debug == 1 message "* [" slotG "]" myThankGroup[slotG] " added to thank group." end if setglobal slotG + 1 setglobal thankTotal + 1 if count < @text.num_words set count + 1 end if pause 25 goto LOOP end if end if else "/share\r" end if label END } /************************ Thank Group v2.5.3 *************************/ //<<m_ThankGroup>> (/thg [message]) Thanks exile|s in list (activates AutoThank) ThankGroup { setglobal ht[thg] "'/thg [message]' Sets the default message & activates AutoThank (i.e '/thg thanks for the hunt!'). '/thg /reset' clears the list." setglobal ht[2] "'/thg [message]' Sets the default message & activates AutoThank (i.e '/thg thanks for the hunt!'). '/thg /reset' clears the list." if @text == "reset" call ClearThankGroup goto END else if @text == "/reset" call ClearThankGroup goto END else if @text == ? message thga message theMessage else if @text != "" setglobal theMessage @text end if end if pause 1 call AutoThank message ending thanks label END } //<<m_AddToThankGroup>> (/thga <name> [name]) adds exile|s to list AddToThankGroup { setglobal ht[thga] "'/thga <name> [name]' adds exile|s to list" setglobal ht[3] "'/thga <name> [name]' adds exile|s to list" set num_people @text.num_words //gets the number of names to add (only use one word names for accuracy) set slot 0 //must start one less than total to add if debug == 1 message "slotG=" slotG end if if @text == ? message ht[thga] end if label ADDLOOP if slot <= num_people "/select " @text.word[slot] "\r" if debug == 1 message "@selplayer.simple_name: " @selplayer.simple_name end if pause 1 if @env.textLog < "No player named " if debug == 1 message "* " @text.word[slot] " NOT FOUND" end if set slot + 1 goto ADDLOOP else if @selplayer.simple_name == "" if debug == 1 message "* " @text.word[slot] " EMPTY" end if set slot + 1 goto ADDLOOP else set i 0 LABEL COMPARELOOP if myThankGroup[i] == @selplayer.simple_name message "* " " already in list SKIPPING" set slot + 1 goto ADDLOOP else if i < thankTotal set i + 1 goto COMPARELOOP end if setglobal myThankGroup[slotG] @selplayer.simple_name if debug == 1 message "*myThankGroup[" slotG "]= " myThankGroup[slotG] end if pause 1 set slot + 1 setglobal slotG + 1 setglobal thankTotal + 1 if debug == 1 message "thank total: " thankTotal end if goto ADDLOOP end if end if end if if modeverbose == 1 call WhoAmIThanking end if label END } //<<m_ClearThankGroup>> (/thgc) clears and resets list ClearThankGroup { setglobal ht[thgc] "'/thgc [num]' clears and resets list, with a number it removes that entry in the list" setglobal ht[4] "'/thgc [num]' clears and resets list, with a number it removes that entry in the list" if @text == "" message "Clearing thank group" setglobal thankTarget 1 setglobal counted 1 //NEW2021 was 0 setglobal thankTotal 1 setglobal myThankGroup "" setglobal slotG 1 message thankTarget "*" counted "*thanktotal:" thankTotal "*" myThankGroup "*slotG:" slotG "*" else if @text == 0 setglobal currentIndex @text call moveUp else if @text > 0 if @text <= thankTotal setglobal currentIndex @text //CurrentIndex used by moveUp call moveUp end if end if label END } //<<m_ThankNext>> (/tn [message]) actually does the thanking ThankNext { if initSwitch == 1 setglobal ht[tn] "/tn [message]' manually thanks the next person and sets the message" goto END end if if thankTotal < 1 message "*ThankNext*no one in thank list, adding shares in (/ths)**" call ThankSharers setglobal modeverbose 1 end if if thankTarget < 1 //protects against out of bounds array calls setglobal thankTarget 1 else if thankTarget > thankTotal setglobal thankTarget 1 end if "/select " myThankGroup[thankTarget] "\r" if @text == "" "/select " myThankGroup[thankTarget] "\r" call ThankMessage "/thank " " " theMessage " :)\r" else "/thank " myThankGroup[thankTarget] " " @text "\r" end if pause 1 set tocheck @env.TextLog //checks log for failure if tocheck < "You have no karma to give." if debug == 1 message "**m_ThankNext:Unable to give karma to " myThankGroup[thankTarget] " holding place." end if else if tocheck < "is not in the lands." if debug == 1 message "*m_ThankNext:Unable to give karma (No Target):Advancing" end if setglobal missingTarget 1 call moveUp if debug == 1 message "tht/tot:" thankTarget ":ThankTotal:" thankTotal end if else if thankTarget < thankTotal call thankFeedback //20220625 EDIT switched order setglobal thankTarget + 1 //20220625 EDIT switched order else if thankTarget >= thankTotal call thankFeedback //20220625 EDIT switched order setglobal thankTarget 1 //20220625 EDIT switched order end if label END } thankFeedback { if debug == 1 message "*thanking " myThankGroup[thankTarget] "/thh for help" setglobal modeverbose 0 end if } WhoAmIThanking //<<m_WhoAmIThanking>> (/thgwho)|(/thg?) outputs the myTG { if initSwitch == 1 setglobal ht[thgwho] "'/thgwho|/thg? [reset|/reset]' shows the list or optionally resets it" goto END end if if @text == "reset" call ClearThankGroup else if @text == "/reset" call ClearThankGroup end if if thankTotal < 1 message "**The thank group is empty. Try /ths or /thga <name> [name] to add people" goto END else message "*My thank group is currently: " setglobal counted 1 //must be 1 for start of array 20220621 label LOOPSTART if counted <= thankTotal if counted == thankTarget message "[" counted "]*" myThankGroup[counted] else message "[" counted "]" myThankGroup[counted] end if setglobal counted + 1 goto LOOPSTART end if end if label END } /****** SHARERS *******/ // <<m_ThankSharers>> ThankSharers // (/ths) adds all people sharing you to the list { if initSwitch == 1 setglobal ht[ths] "'/ths' adds all people sharing you to the list" goto END end if set count 0 set countB 0 set i 0 set j 0 if debug == 1 message "ThankShares In: " @my.shares_in.num_words message "Shares in are " @my.shares_in message "ThankShares Out:" @my.shares_out.num_words message "Shares out are " @my.shares_out message "thankTotal: " thankTotal message "myThankGroup:" myThankGroup end if label LOOP0 if count <= @my.shares_in.num_words "/select " @my.shares_in.word[count] " \r" if @selplayer.simple_name == "" set count + 1 goto LOOP0 else if debug == 1 message "(L0)Start: select exile" @selplayer.simple_name end if pause 1 set i 1 LABEL COMPARELOOP if debug == 1 //message "(L0C1) ThankGroup[" i "]" myThankGroup[i] end if if myThankGroup[i] == @selplayer.simple_name message "*" "in list (L0) SKIPPING" set count + 1 goto LOOP0 else if i < thankTotal set i + 1 //message "i:" i goto COMPARELOOP end if setglobal myThankGroup[slotG] @selplayer.simple_name pause 1 if debug == 1 message "* [" slotG "]" myThankGroup[slotG] " added to thank group. (L0)" end if setglobal slotG + 1 setglobal thankTotal + 1 if count < @my.shares_in.num_words set count + 1 goto LOOP0 end if pause 25 end if label LOOP2 if countB <= @my.shares_out.num_words "/select " @my.shares_out.word[countB] " \r" if @selplayer.simple_name == "" set countB + 1 goto LOOP2 else if debug == 1 message "(L2)Start: select exile" @selplayer.simple_name end if end if pause 1 set j 1 LABEL COMPARELOOP2 if debug == 1 //message "(L2C2) ThankGroup[" j "]" myThankGroup[j] end if if myThankGroup[j] == @selplayer.simple_name message "*" "in list (L2) SKIPPING" set countB + 1 goto LOOP2 else if j < thankTotal set j + 1 //message "j:" j goto COMPARELOOP2 end if setglobal myThankGroup[slotG] @selplayer.simple_name pause 1 if debug == 1 message "* [" slotG "]" myThankGroup[slotG] " added to thank group. (L2)" end if setglobal slotG + 1 setglobal thankTotal + 1 if countB < @my.shares_out.num_words set countB + 1 goto LOOP2 end if pause 25 end if label END if debug == 1 call WhoAmIThanking end if } //<<m_ThankOptions>> (/tho) sets tTarget to 0|number or switches debugging on ThankOptions { if initSwitch == 1 setglobal ht[tho] "'/tho [<number>||debug 0|1||off||message <message>]' sets next person thanked to 0|<number>, switches debugging on or off, turns on or off AutoThanking, or sets a new message" goto END end if if @text == "" setglobal thankTarget 0 call WhoAmIThanking else if @text.word[0] == "debug" if @text.word[1] < 2 setglobal debug @text.word[1] end if if debug == 1 message "*Debugging is on" else if debug == 0 message "*Debugging is off" end if else if @text.word[0] == "off" setglobal ATH 0 else if @text.word[0] == "on" call AutoThank else if @text.word[0] > 0 if @text.word[0] <= thankTotal setglobal thankTarget @text.word[0] end if else message "*That number won't work. The highest number you can set it currently: " thankTarget pause 7 message "*Blame Polerand! ;)" end if else if @text.word[0] == "message" set words @text.word[count] set counter 1 label MESSAGEBUILDER if counter > words setglobal theMessage interim message "the message is now: " theMessage else set interim.word[counter] @text.word[counter] " " set counter + 1 goto MESSAGEBUILDER end if end if label END } // AutoThank 1.0 "/ath" AutoThank //<<m_AutoThank>> (/ath ["0"|"off"]) turns on*|off automatic thanks { if initSwitch == 1 setglobal ht[ath] "'/ath [0|off]' turns off automatic thanks. With no arguments it turns it on." goto END end if if @text.word[0] == "off" setglobal ATH 0 goto ENDoff else if @text.word[0] == "0" setglobal ATH 0 goto ENDoff end if setglobal ATH 1 label LOOPA if ATH == 1 pause delay if thankTarget <= thankTotal call ThankNext goto LOOPA else message "***You are out of people to thank.***" message "***To Add more type /thga <name> [name] ..." end if end if label ENDoff message "*AutoThank is Off" label END } //<<m_BuildDefault>> List Building Function BuildDefault { if initSwitch == 1 setglobal ht[thb] "'/thb' builds the thank list using the default in Friends" goto END end if label LOOPA if count > listA.num_words setglobal myThankGroup[slotG] listA.word[count] if debug == 1 pause 1 message "*" myThankGroup[slotG] " added to thankgroup." end if set count + 1 setglobal slotG + 1 setglobal thankTotal + 1 pause 20 goto LOOPA end if label END } // *m_moveUp* Reorganizes the thankgroup List triggered by ClearThankGroup '/thgc 0' moveUp { if thankTotal > 0 setglobal currentIndex thankTarget message "currentIndex:" currentIndex "exile to thank " myThankGroup[currentIndex] message "**moving up**thankTotal:" thankTotal "*" label DECLOOP setglobal cIndexPlus currentIndex setglobal cIndexPlus + 1 //CRITICAL: moves to next exile on list if cIndexPlus > thankTotal message "*m_moveUp*cIndexPlus Exceeds thankTotal" //setglobal myThankGroup[currentIndex] "" //20220619 edit from currentIndex //20220703 EDIT bug check! if debug == 1 message "*Thanklist reorganized* '/thg?' to see it (or '/set debug 1'" end if setglobal cIndexPlus thankTotal else if currentIndex == thankTotal //20220625 ADDED if myThankGroup[cIndexPlus] != "" setglobal myThankGroup[currentIndex] myThankGroup[cIndexPlus] setglobal currentIndex + 1 goto DECLOOP end if if thankTarget == currentIndex message " [" currentIndex "]* " myThankGroup[currentIndex] else message " [" currentIndex "] " myThankGroup[currentIndex] end if else //overwrites current exile if myThankGroup[cIndexPlus] != "" setglobal myThankGroup[currentIndex] myThankGroup[cIndexPlus] end if if myThankGroup[currentIndex] == myThankGroup[cIndexPlus] if thankTarget == currentIndex message " [" currentIndex "]* " myThankGroup[currentIndex] else message " [" currentIndex "] " myThankGroup[currentIndex] end if end if setglobal currentIndex + 1 goto DECLOOP end if setglobal thankTotal - 1 setglobal slotG - 1 end if if thankTotal < currentIndex if debug == 1 message "mTG[cI]" myThankGroup[currentIndex] currentIndex end if setglobal currentIndex 1 end if } //<<m_ThankMessage>> (/thm|/thgm) Sets and|or shows the message setglobal thankMessage 1 ThankMessage { if @text == "/m" message theMessage else if @text == "/message" message theMessage else if @text == "?" message theMessage else if @text == "" random setglobal theMessage " because why not? " or setglobal theMessage " Thanks " or setglobal theMessage " Thank you " or setglobal theMessage " Thankx " or setglobal theMessage " good hunting " or setglobal theMessage " thanks a lot " or setglobal theMessage " Why? Because we like you " or setglobal theMessage " not that it really matters, but here's some good karma " or setglobal theMessage " Woo! Woo! " or setglobal theMessage " got Karma? " or setglobal theMessage " hu! hu! " or setglobal theMessage " a GK a day keeps the departs away " or setglobal theMessage " GK!GK!" or setglobal theMessage " happiness is GK" or setglobal theMessage " what's in a GK?" or setglobal theMessage " Good Karma is its own reward." or setglobal theMessage " this Good Karma brought to you by macros. Yes, macros" or setglobal theMessage " did you hear the one about the exile who got too much GK? — Turned ultraviolet" or setglobal theMessage " what's in. GK, let me count the ways…" or setglobal theMessage " A BK and a GK walk into a bar…" or setglobal theMessage " are we blue yet?" or setglobal theMessage " oh happy day, GK" or setglobal theMessage " GK ‘message and data rates still apply…’" or setglobal theMessage " keep healers blue! " or setglobal theMessage " Two by two; GK’s coming for you." or setglobal theMessage " Wooooooo!" or setglobal theMessage " There once was a mighty sailin’ man, a skipper brave and sure…" or setglobal theMessage " There are over 30 different good karma messages! Can you collect them all?" or setglobal theMessage "Karma Fever: Catch It!" or setglobal theMessage "Thanks for hunting with me." or setglobal theMessage "Thank you for the hunt." or setglobal theMessage "Without you here, it would be a duller world. :)" end random else if @text != "" setglobal theMessage @text end if } //<<m_ThankHelp>> {/thgh|/?th|/thh }Lists how to control macro ThankHelp { setglobal hEntry 0 set initSwitch 1 call InitThG if @text == "overview" message "*Shares.txt::ThankGroup builds a list of exiles to thank." message "*/type '/th? quickstart' for a basic command list" message "*The <commands> are: sh, ath, thb, thg, thga, thgc, thgwho, tho, thr, ths, tn and are preceded with a slash '/'" message "type '/th? <command> for more info on each command" else if @text == "quickstart" message "*'/thga' and their names (with no spaces) to add people" message "*'/thg' followed by any message to send to the group." message "*'/tn' to thank the next person manually" message "*'/ath 0' or '/tho off' to stop the macro" message "*'/th? message' see what current message is" else if @text == "message" message "*" theMessage else if @text != "" if @text == "sh" message " " ht[1] else if @text == "thg" message " " ht[2] else if @text == "thgc" message " " ht[4] else if @text == "th?" message "*************************" message "*Universal Self Destruct Activated*" message "*************************" message "*10..." pause 3 message "*Now you've done it!*" pause 2 message "*9..." pause 5 message "*8..." pause 5 message "*7..." pause 5 message "*6..." pause 5 message "*5..." pause 5 message "*4..." pause 5 message "*3..." pause 5 message "*2..." pause 5 message "*1..." pause 5 message "*0" message "*BOOM!*" else setglobal ent @text message ht[ent] end if else message "*type '/th? overview' or 'th? quickstart' for instuctions" message "*more information is available in the macro file 'Shares.txt'" //message "*thanks for trying this macro. Feedback is welcome" end if label END } InitThG { if initSwitch == 1 call shareMultiList call AutoThank call ThankGroup call AddToThankGroup call WhoAmIThanking call ClearThankGroup call ThankNext call ThankOptions // call ThankRandom call ThankSharers end if setglobal initSwitch 0 }
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