
Revision as of 06:20, 25 August 2010 by Mwadmin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Description== * Following is a snippet of an earlier version of the macro used by Inu as Thoomiet in the Puddleby Players production of "Zomeo and Thoomiet". Note when auditio...")
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  • Following is a snippet of an earlier version of the macro used by Inu as Thoomiet in the Puddleby Players production of "Zomeo and Thoomiet". Note when auditioning, do not use macros, as spontaneity and ability to think on the fly are what appears to be measured. The entire macro is not posted here.


  • None.

Noteworthy Techniques

  • Using cues to indicate what is next.
  • Including other players lines/actions in messages to help track where you are.
  • Ending each macro call when that player's lines or action ends, and starting a new call.


  • Inu


 /* Zomeo and Thoomiet Macros<br>
    message "NARRATOR: And the nominees for the Society for the Advancement of Precocious Subjects (SAPS)" \r
    pause 5
    message "NARRATOR: Excellent Grammar award are Thoombalt, Zomeo, Connie Cretus, and Haro-ine." \r
    pause 5
    message "NARRATOR: And the winner is Zomeo!" \r
    pause 5
    message "ZOMEO: What! Me am shocked (goes on stage)" \r
    pause 5
    message "THOOMBALT: What! A Zo! Curses on him. " \r
    pause 5
    message "THOOMBALT: It is I, Thoombalt, who have the best grammar. " \r
    pause 5
    message "THOOMBALT: I mean look at how I annunciate with my thoomsac! I detest him!" \r
    pause 5
    message "ZOMEO: Me am honored to received this am award. You is very kindly to gave I this. Me am blessing" \r
    pause 5
    message "ZOMEO: Zomeo looks into the audience and sees Thoomiet" \r
    pause 5
    message "ZOMEO: Me am Zo in love with Thoomiet!" \r
    message "===> Z1" \r
    "/ponder I, Thoomiet, \r"
    "/pose leanright \r"
    pause 16
    "/ponder am entranced by that smart zo, Zomeo. \r"
    "/pose leanright \r"
    pause 16
    "/narrate Thoomiet bats her eyelashes at Zomeo \r"
    "/pose leanleft \r"
    pause 4
    "/pose leanright \r"
    pause 4
    "/pose leanleft \r"
    pause 4
    "/pose leanright \r"
    pause 4
    "/ponder I love him! \r"
    "/pose thoughfful \r"
    message "NARRATOR: Thanks for coming folks (everyone leaves)" \r
    pause 16
    message "NARRATOR: Later at Thoomiet’s home" \r
    pause 12
    message "Next scene you start: Scene 2 - At Thoomiet's house on her patio ...." \r
    message "===> Z2" \r
    "My goodness I find myself entranced with that bewitching zo." \r
    "/pose thoughtful \r"
    pause 32
    "But my cousin detests him. " \r
    "/pose angry \r"
    pause 32
    "Oh impossible situations. If only my lover was here now." \r
    "/pose bless \r"
    pause 40
    "/yell if only my lover was here now. \r"
    "/pose angry \r"
    pause 20
    "/narrate Thoomiet regains her composure and smiles coyly \r"
    "/pose leanleft \r"
    "/pose leanright \r"
    "/pose leanleft \r"
    "/pose leanright \r"
    "/pose leanleft \r"
    "/pose leanright \r"
    pause 30
    "Zomeo, Zomeo, where for art thou Zomeo!" \r
    "/pose bless \r"
    pause 20
    message "ZOMEO: Ugh, Me am here? What sac thrown here window be, it am the zo-west and Thoomiet am the moon." \r
    "/pose leanleft \r"


  • 2007mmdd-inu: Created and posted.


  • none