Bard Macros

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Type /add <instrument name> and /remove <instrument name> and these macros will equip your instrument bag, remove or add an item and then re-equip what you had in your left hand.

/* ********* Instrument Case Uses ********* */
"/remove" call REMOVE

setglobal lSave @my.left_item
"/equip instrument case\r"
"/useitem instrument case /remove " @text "\r"
pause 10
"/equip " lSave "\r"
"/equip " @text "\r"

"/add" call ADD

setglobal lSave @my.left_item
"/equip instrument case\r"
"/useitem instrument case /add " @text "\r"
pause 10
"/equip " lSave "\r"
"/store" call STORE //Stores what instrument is in your hand

if @my.left_item != "instrument case"
	setglobal lSave @my.left_item
	"/equip instrument case\r"
	"/useitem instrument case /add " @my.right_item "\r"
	pause 10
	"/equip " lSave "\r"
end if

Auto Grab, Play, & Store

/*First, add the following to your song macro file, or character file*/

if @my.right_item != songInstrument
	setglobal lSave @my.left_item
	"/equip instrument case\r"
	"/useitem instrument case /remove " songInstrument "\r"
	setglobal rSave @my.right_item
	"/equip " songInstrument "\r"
	"/equip " lSave " \r"
end if

if @my.left_item != "instrument case"
	setglobal lSave @my.left_item
	"/equip instrument case\r"
	"/useitem instrument case /add " songInstrument "\r"
	if rSave != "Nothing"
		"/equip " rSave "\r"
	end if
	pause 5
	if lSave != "Nothing"
		"/equip " lSave "\r"
	end if
end if

/*Then add the following to the top of song macros*/

setglobal songInstrument "starbuck harp" //<—Change this to instrument wanted
call grabInstrument

/*And finally, add the following to the end of your song macro*/

call storeInstrument

Example Use of Grab/Store Macro

setglobal songInstrument "pine flute"
call grabInstrument
	"/use @136 \b1b1b1/D6\b1/d=\r"
call storeInstrument
end if