Omega Zu
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/* -----------------------Omega Zu Macro v4.1------------------------- This macro not only plants seeds, loads seeds into bags and removes seeds from bags, but you never have to manually equip a bag again. When you run out of seeds in a bag, it automagically changes to the next bag number in your inventory. When it reaches your last bag and you run out of seeds, it switches to the first bag, all without using an error prone scanner. There is no planting delay either. This is the end of all kudzu macros. (Until I make it load one if the current bag is full without using a scanner.) Here's a quick start for you: by default: f6: plants a seed from your bag shift-f6: loads a seed into your bag option-f6: removes a seed from your bag type: "/setzu ?" for the following instructions: type: "/setzu bag {number}" to set which bag you want to start pulling seeds from type: "/setzu bag ?" to see which bag is to be selected type: "/setzu maxbag {number}" to change the number of kudzu bags you're carrying type: "/setzu maxbag ?" to see what your maximum number of kudzu bags is set to. */ set slot 0 set zuinitTextLog "" set bag_number 1 set max_bag 1 set zuInProgress 0 set zlBusy 0 set seedC 0 set seedCOld 1 set packFull 0 set max_pass max_bag // max_pass and pass control how many times set pass 1 set thisBag "sack of kudzu seedlings 1" /* ***Triggers*** */ shift-f6 call zl F6 call zp command-f6 call zuinit "/shuffle" call bag_shuffle //***Kudzu Macros. see "/set" command for more info*** zp //Checks to make sure you have your bag equipped. { if zuInProgress == 2 goto ENDER else setglobal zuInProgress 2 set myBag "sack of kudzu seedlings " set myBag + bag_number setglobal seedCOld @my.left_item.word[5].letter[0] if @my.left_item != myBag if debug > 0 message @my.left_item " != " myBag " changing bags." end if "/equip sack of kudzu seedlings " bag_number "\r" pause 1 label SUB1 "/useitem left\r" setglobal seedC @my.left_item.word[5].letter[0] call FullPackCheck if debug > 1 message "SUB1" end if if packFull == 1 goto ENDER end if else label SUB2 "/useitem left\r" setglobal seedC @my.left_item.word[5].letter[0] call FullPackCheck if debug > 0 message "SUB2" end if if packFull == 1 goto ENDER end if end if if seedCOld == 0 message "**seedCOld = 0**" if bag_number == max_bag setglobal bag_number 1 else setglobal bag_number + 1 end if "/equip bag of kudzu seedlings " bag_number "\r" pause 1 label SUB3 "/useitem left\r" call FullPackCheck if debug > 0 message "SUB3" end if if packFull == 1 goto ENDER end if else if seedC == seedCOld //checks ifa seed was planted "/equip kudzu seedling\r" call FullPackCheck if packFull == 1 goto ENDER end if pause 1 label SUB4 "/useitem left\r" call FullPackCheck if debug > 0 message "SUB4" end if if packFull == 1 goto ENDER end if else if seedC == 0 if bag_number == max_bag setglobal bag_number 1 else setglobal bag_number + 1 end if "/equip bag of kudzu seedlings " bag_number "\r" else goto ENDER end if setglobal zuInProgress 0 end if label ENDER message theMessage setglobal zuInProgress 0 } zl { if zlBusy == 1 goto TerminateSilent // ensures only one Zu Loader works at a time. end if setglobal max_pass max_bag // max_pass and pass control how many times setglobal pass 1 // the bags will swap looking for empty bags. setglobal zlBusy 1 setglobal thisBag "sack of kudzu seedlings " setglobal thisBag + bag_number set ll 0 set grace_period 0 message "*zu loader started" label LOADLOOP call bag_check //Check if the bag is full, if seedC == 10 // call bag_shuffle // if it is swap bags. end if if @my.left_item != thisBag "/equip " thisBag "\r" pause 1 end if "/selectitem kudzu seedling\r" set seedling @my.selected_item set feedback @env.textLog if seedling == "" goto ENDER else if seedling != "" "/useitem left /add\r" else goto ENDER end if if feedback < " * You don't have any kudzu seedlings." //if no seedlings set grace_period + 1 if grace_period > 4 goto ENDER else //period 3 times. message "pass " grace_period "of 3." end if else if feedback < "you bag is full" call bag_shuffle end if pause 60 set ll + 1 if ll < 3 goto LOADLOOP else message "*zu loader stopped" goto TerminateSilent end if label ENDER message "*zu loader stopped" label TerminateSilent setglobal zlBusy 0 } bag_check //checks to see if your bag is full { setglobal seedC @my.left_item.word[5].letter[0] if @my.left_item.word[5].letter[1] != ">" //tests for a full bag setglobal seedC 10 end if } bag_shuffle { if pass >= max_pass //if we've been through all bags goto ENDER // don't execute. else if bag_number != max_bag setglobal bag_number + 1 else setglobal bag_number 1 end if set pass + 1 label ENDER setglobal thisBag "bag of kudzu seedlings " setglobal thisBag + bag_number if debug == 1 message "thisBag is " thisBag end if } "/zutest" { set loop 0 label start if loop != 8 "/move east walk\r" pause 3 call zp set loop + 1 goto start end if } zuinit { set myBag "Bag of Kudzu Seedlings " set myBag + bag_number "/selectitem " myBag "\r" pause 1 label EXAMINEBAG "/examine\r" pause 1 setglobal zuinitTextLog @env.textLog if debug == 1 if @env.textLog.word[8] > 0 setglobal seedC @env.textLog.word[8] if seedC == 0 call bag_increment end if else if @env.textLog.word[8] == 0 call bag_increment else goto EXAMINEBAG end if else /* setglobal slot 0 label WORDCHECK if slot > zuinitTextLog.num_words goto end else message zuinitTextLog[slot] setglobal slot + 1 goto WORDCHECK end if */ end if label end } bag_increment { if bag_number == max_bag setglobal bag_number 1 else setglobal bag_number + 1 end if } option-f6 { set myBag "bag of kudzu seedlings" set myBag + bag_number if @my.left_item != myBag "/equip bag of kudzu seedlings " bag_number "\r" else message "ĽKudzu Ready" end if "/useitem left /remove \r" } //'/setzu' is used to set the bag and maximum number of bags you have on the fly. "/setzu" //non-optimized to add: messageVariable and call InstructionMessages { if @text.word[0] == "?" message "*The following variables are available to set using this command:" pause 5 message "bag [?|(number)], maxbag ?|(number)" else if @text.word[0] == "bag" if @text.word[1] == "?" message "*This variable is used to select a bag number to use for kudzu planting." message "the current bag is " bag_number "." end if if @text.word[1] > 0 setglobal bag_number @text.word[1] "/selectitem \"bag of kudzu seedlings <#" bag_number "\"\r" message "the current bag is " bag_number "." end if else if @text.word[0] == "maxbag" if @text.word[1] == "?" message "*This variable is used to set how many kudzu bags you have on you." message "the number of kudzu bags is " max_bag "." end if if @text.word[1] > 0 setglobal max_bag @text.word[1] message "you number of kudzu bags is set at " max_bag "." end if end if label ENDER } "/zuwall" { setglobal thisBag "bag of kudzu seedlings " set thisBag + bag_number if @text > 0 set zu_number @text else set zu_number 10 end if label ZuPlantStart if @my.left_item != thisBag "/equip " thisBag "\r" end if } "/gets" call GetSeedCount GetSeedCount { set myBag "bag of kudzu seedlings " set myBag + bag_number message "myBag=" myBag if @my.left_item != myBag "/equip " myBag "\r" message "equiping: " myBag end if pause 5 set seedC @my.left_item.letter[28] if @my.left_item.letter[29] == 0 set seedC 10 end if message "seed count is " seedC } FullPackCheck { set checkFullPack @env.textLog if debug == 1 message "**" checkFullPack "**" end if if checkFullPack < " * You do not have room in your pack for anything else." setglobal packFull 1 setglobal theMessage "***Your Pack is full! Drop something to plant!***" else if checkFullPack < "You have no 'Kudzu Seedling' to equip." setglobal packFull 1 setglobal theMessage "***Your Pack might be full! No Seed able to be planted.***" else if checkFullPack < "* You don't have anything like that in your bag of kudzu seedlings." setglobal packFull 1 setglobal theMessage "** You are out of Kudzu! **" else setglobal packFull 0 setglobal theMessage "" end if }