
Revision as of 10:54, 12 June 2023 by Mwadmin (talk | contribs) (added dismiss text)
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  • Scroll down for Multi-Morph Macro
//Rangery by Noivad
f3 call toggleShieldstone //modify this to your chosen hotkey
shift-f3 call UnShieldstone //modify this to your chosen hotkey

f4 call Heartwood //modify these to your chosen hotkey/etc
wheelup call Heartwood //works with trackpads that support 2 finger touch up

wheeldown call Heartslow //works with trackpads that support 2 finger touch down

f6 call reflection //modify this to your chosen hotkey

set shso 0

 toggleShieldstone //v1.1
	if @my.finger_item == "Shieldstone" //skips equip phase if true
	     goto ON
	end if

	label equip
	"/equip shieldstone\r"

	label ON
	"/useitem shieldstone\r"
	pause 1

	label CHECK //Checks for Shieldstone failures …
	if @env.textLog >= "Your Shieldstone goes inert"
	     pause 6
	     goto equip //…if so equips backup (if you have 1)
	end if

"/unequip finger\r"
setglobal shso 0

if @my.left_item != "Heartwood Charm"
	"/equip heartwood\r"
end if
"/useitem left\r"

	"/useitem heartwood charm /slow\r"
"/judge" call judge

"/useitem belt /judge " @text "\r"

"/reflect" call reflection

"/useitem belt /reflect\r"

"/usei belt /befriend\r"
"/pose bless\r"

"/usei belt /control\r"
"/pose sal\r"

"Dismissing in 3 seconds\r"
pause 15

"/pose surprised\r"

"/usei belt /dismiss\r"

"/unm" call unmorph

	"/useitem /belt /return\r"

Multi-Creature Morph Macro

I recommend mapping the increment/decrement to your scroll wheel. This is usable with Rangery.txt above or scroll down for a simple 1 creature macro

/**MultiMorph v1.1**/
f8 call incrementMorph 
f9 call decrementMorph
click3 call morph
f11	call morph

set morphed 0 //[DO NOT ALTER] toggle used to tell if you are morphed "1" or not "0" 
set mindex 1 // "Morph Index"
set verbose 1
set totalMorphs 1 //**see note

set morph[1] "Sky Bison" //change and add your morphs
set morph[2] "Darshak Assassin"
set morph[3] ""
set morph[4] ""
set morph[5] ""
set morph[6] ""

	if morphed == 0
		"/useitem belt /shape " morph[mindex] "\r"
		setglobal morphed 1
		"/useitem belt /return \r"
		setglobal morphed 0
	end if

if mindex == totalMorphs
	setglobal mindex 1
	setglobal mindex + 1
end if
call whichMorph

if mindex == 1
	setglobal mindex totalMorphs
	setglobal mindex - 1
end if
call whichMorph

if verbose == 1
	message "*Morph Selected:" morph[mindex]
end if

**setting totalMorphs to 1 means it will never set the morph to Darshak Assassin above, so you can include creatures your working on morphs for and edit this number when you get them

  • note for all Morph Macros listed: morph state detection fails if falls & spirit runouts are not scanned for. you can use scanner.txt to avoid this or add the following to your text log scanning macro:
if @textLog < "you return to your normal"
     setglobal morphed 0
end if

Simple Morph Macro

just change *creature name* to the name of your creature

//Alternate Simple 1 creature morph
click3 call morph
f11	call morph

set morphed 0
	if morphed == 0
		"/useitem belt /shape *creature name* \r" //insert creature name
		setglobal morphed 1
		"/useitem belt /return \r"
		setglobal morphed 0
	end if