Progress Message

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Raul made this macro to check where you are in progressing and has graciously given permission to the CLUMP to post it

label looptrainerscript
pause 1
set trainer @env.textLog.word[2]
set trainerphrase @env.textLog
if trainerphrase < "you have just begun to"
message "0/8 |................| 0%-13%"
end if
if trainerphrase < "you are starting to learn, but"
message "1/8 |--..............| 13%-38%"
end if
if trainerphrase < "you are making progress."
message "3/8 |------..........| 38%-62%"
end if
if trainerphrase < "you are well on your way to enlightenment"
message "5/8 |----------......| 62%-75%"
end if
if trainerphrase < "you are close to mastering"
message "6/8 |------------....| 75%-88%"
end if
if trainerphrase < "you are almost ready for a breakthrough"
message "7/8 |--------------..| 88%-100%"
end if
goto looptrainerscript