Blood Mages

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A small word of advice

Bloodmage in an incredibly fun and powerful subclass. However clicking a bloodmage is entirely different from clicking a regular fighter or lesser subclass. It is advised to first click another subclass, or learn the ropes as a fighter and then consider the class. It is an undoubtedly great class as an alt, but, without due consideration, it can be dicey as a primary character.

To become a bloodmage means one gains access to many dark and immensely strong powers, ones that become even stronger as the mage becomes even weaker. But, there is a cost, one loses the ability to generate spirit well on their own. A bloodmage will be dependent on the blood of fallen creatures in order to recover the ability to use their powers.

How to become a Bloodmage

  1. Become a third circle Fighter
  2. Qualify for the Bloodlade
  3. Become proficient with the Bloodblade
  4. Gain insight into blood magic

Qualifying for the Bloodblade

In order to qualify for the bloodblade, you must practice fighting on low health. You should occasionally get the following message:

• You experiment with a new fighting style.

When you’ve qualified for the bloodblade (or Gossamer, or Fell blade) you will get the following message:

• You discover an important combat technique.

When you’ve qualified for the bloodblade you can acquire one from Nacerus (located in the savannah maha den) in exchange for a moonstone and a dagger.

Nacerus says, “I see you have mastered the skill needed to perform elementary bloodmagic.”

Nacerus says, “I can fashion you a weapon which will allow you to use bloodmagic in combat.”

Nacerus asks, “<name>, will you provide me a moonstone and a dagger?”

Becoming proficient with the Bloodblade

Once you have qualified for and purchased a bloodblade, you can begin training by using the /use /practice command. You will gain ranks in it whether you have it equipped or not. You can use the /use /reflect to see how proficient you are with the bloodblade. When you equip your bloodblade it will drain your health and you will gain Atkus/Darkus according to the amount of trained bloodmage ranks and the level of your health.

Gaining Insight into Bloodmagic

The most common way to gain insight is to use your Bloodblade, fight on low health and kill undine. Undine hut in NE field is a perfect location to gain insight.

When you have trained a significant amount of bloodblade ranks (around 60–80) you gain entry to the Nacerean Order (located in the Savannah Maha Den) and the ability absorb creatures for the bloodpool. The bloodpool is located in w town under the cemetery and in the Savannah cave. The bloodpool will hunger for a certain creature, if you absorb it and bring it to the bloodpool you will gain insight into the bloodpool.

• You learn from your brief foray into butchery. <Completing the drag-a-creature quest for Vaun Gutturt (needs confirmation)>

• You gain insight into the nature of your bloodblade. <Using you bloodblade>

• You learn about the nature of life and death from the passing of the <undine monster>. <Killing undine>

• You gain insight from fighting on the edge of death. <Fighting on low health>

• You learn from working with the blood of the <blood dropping monster such as a T’rool>. <Collecting blood>

• You gain insight into the nature of the bloodpool. <Feeding the bloodpool>

You will need at least 80 bloodblade ranks to become a Bloodmage.

Becoming a Bloodmage

Once you meet all the requirements Haima Myrtillus will officially indulge you into the order.

Bloodmage items


The bloodblade is known for its ability to give an increasing amount of raw power as its wielder becomes increasingly damaged. These fluidly accessible stats can allow a person to tag and deal useful amounts of damage even in areas that are normally well beyond an exile of their rank count. One does not have to be a bloodmage to use a bloodblade, a few crafty rangers are known to train in bloodblade. But, to be a bloodmage, one must be committed to fighting with the bloodblade.
Acquisition: Anyone who has gained the ability to train in the bloodblade can go to the bloodmage sanctuary in the Savannah to create a bloodblade. The crafting requires a dagger and a moonstone.
Effect: The bloodblade is a mainhand weapon that gives a good amount of atkus and darkus. Anyone wielding a bloodblade will suffer constant wounds and pains, their health will quickly dwindle. The higher the wielder's current health is, the drastically more the blade will hurt its user. The higher the wielder's max health is, the mildly more the blade hurts its user. Unless a person is using an non-infused bloodblade, this damage will never be enough to kill the user. A bloodmage uses the bloodblade as the source of most of their secret arts.
Training: Training in the bloodblade causes wielding the bloodblade to grant a plethora of additional stats. Each rank gives a lot of atkus, a huge amount of darkus, a moderate amount of balance, and a moderate amount of regia. The weaker a bloodblade user is, the more effective ones training bloodblade is. If a bloodblade wielding fighter is severely wounded, if they are at, say, 1% health instead 25% health, the gained stats from training in the blade are roughly doubled. Each attack with a bloodblade consumes a small amount of spirit per rank in bloodblade, if one does not have the required spirit, the attack receives no benefit from bloodblade ranks.
Infused Bloodblade: When becoming a bloodmage the exile's bloodblade will automatically become infused, draining notably less health and allowing access to all of the class's secret abilities. It will also allow its wielder to absorb creatures for the bloodpool. Anyone can wield an infused bloodblade. A bloodmage should always wield an infused bloodblade. All references to a bloodblade in this document will be referring to an infused bloodblade unless specifically stated otherwise.
Non-Infused Bloodblade: When questing to become a bloodmage or if dabbling with the arts of bloodmagic as a hobby, at some point one will be able to make their own bloodblade. This is a non-infused bloodblade. It will drain enough health to eventually likely kill you, each swing will also consume a sizeable amount of spirit. When you die you will quickly lose all spirit. A non-bloodmage bloodblader may get more use out of a non-infused bloodblade since it gives a different combination of atkus/darkus/balthus/regia and a different % increase in stats when weak (most notably, it gives more regia when low on health).
Spoilers: It requires about 1 rank in Balthus per 5 ranks in bloodblade to have enough balance to be able to attack. If someone trains no regia and a lot of bloodblade they will end up swinging about once every 4 seconds. Each time the bloodblade drains health, the wielder loses a very small % of their max balance. This can be noticeable if a bloodmage trains little balance regeneration and a large amount of balance.
While the bloodblade is equipped, its ranks, in part, increase your balance. But it also removes defense equal to the defense bonus that balance would give. This means that right after you swing you can actually have less defence than you would using another weapon, or even negative defense. Source

Bloodstone Ring

A shining red ring that grants only a slight effect to those not committed to the dark arts, attaining and wearing one is key for those committed to the path of bloodmagic.
Acquisition: The Bloodstone Ring can be bought for 3000c from Sargasti Avantis in the southern portion of the bloodmage sanctuary.
Effect: Everyone, regardless of profession and training can use the bloodstone ring to block healing at desired health. Anyone wearing a bloodstone ring can gain a small benifit from Unrastin training. A bloodmage wearing the ring can use Poshum training to feign dead. All 3 abilities are explained more in full in the Bloodstone Ring Abilities section.


Acquisition: The Bloodshroud can be purchased by bloodmages from ??? in the bloodmage sanctuary for 6,660c.
Effect: Style. And easy cleaning.



Spirit is a very touchy element of being a bloodmage. Considering your spirit usage and recovery is a very important part of most every bloodmage build.
Spirit Regen: All of the bloodmage's special abilities, and even bloodblade attacks, consume spirit. But Bloodmages do not regenerate spirit on their own very well, nor do they have any trainer that can aide them in this. To recover, the bloodmage's unique spiritual resource is, well, blood. All critter that have been hit by a bloodblade or inferno explosion will drop blood droplets when they die. These blood droplets are the primary way a bloodmage recovers their spirit.
What this means is that all bloodmages on a hunt share their spirit regeneration. It contributes to 3 main things
1. A lot manners around blood droplets
2. A vague limit on how many ranks in bloodmagic a mage can get
3. Not a lot of bloodmages
Spiritual limitations: When it comes to ranks in blood magic, gaining 100 ranks in any (or all) bloodmagic skills is extremely practical and sustainable. Getting 250 ranks in any specific skill will likely cause a bit of restraint when grouping with other bloodmages, and restraint if you are hunting creatures you only dispatch. Getting 400 ranks in any specific skill will require strong rationing of your own skills when hunting with other mages, potentially a bit of rationing even as the only bloodmage in a hunt, and large amounts of rationing when hunting in areas where you do not routinely vanquish/kill foes. Some mages have been known to train as much as 500 or 750 ranks in a single blood magic, but, they are weirdos and oddballs.
Note: When a creature dies, the total amount of spirit in its blood droplets is equal to the amount of blood in Bloodblade swings to kill it plus a complex formula that incorporates how much of a vanquish the critter was and how strong it was in general. Generally creatures that are slaughters net very little blood.

Bloodblade Abilities


All of the bloodmage debuffs have their strength improved by training in either Disabla or Cryptus. Both trainers currently do the same thing and pool their ranks.

Not only can this help exiles hit evasive targets, but Rangers and Champions both may have atkus conservation on their swings (they only use as much atkus as it takes to hit) so they can swing more frequently against disabled critters.
Effect: Activating this causes the next attack to consume spirit in order to cause a disabling wound that will lower the target's defense.
Training: Each rank in Disabla/Cryptus increases the reduction to defense and the spirit cost of the skill.
A bit of a niche ability for Disabla/Crytpus centric mages
Effect: Activating this causes the next attack to consume spirit in order to cause a crippling wound that will lower the target's ability to hit and its balance regeneration.
Training: Each rank in Disabla/Cryptus increases the reduction to atkus, reduction to balance regeneration, and the spirit cost of the skill.
A bloodmage staple. Reducing movespeed is strong.
Effect: Activating this causes the next attack to consume spirit in order to cause a mobility-related wound that will lower the target's ability to move around and mildly effect its balance regeneration.
Training: Each rank in Disabla/Cryptus increases the reduction to movement speed, reduction to balance regeneration, and the spirit cost of the skill.

Damaging Abilities

Control Mode
This tends to be the more group friendly way of attacking. It gives time for others to tag (and so gain xp) even if the wielder has a lot of training in bloodblade. Keep in mind that the bleed will still end up doing, potentially, a lot of darkus worth of damage.
Effect: Toggling this will cause all damage from the bloodblade to be dealt instead as damage-over-time (DoT), similar to hemo. The attacks will consume less blood than a normal bloodblade attack will.
Training: The damage is based off of Bloodblade damage. Aneurus will further increase the damage done by this DoT.
A bloodmage staple. The highest raw damage ability a bloodmage can train.
Effect: Activating this will cause the next successful bloodblade attack to deal an additional hemorrhagic wound. The creature unfortunate enough to be hit by the attack will suffer an extra large amount of damage over time (DoT).
Training: Each rank in Aneurus increases the spirit cost of the ability and adds a large amount of damage to the DoT. The damage of the hemorrhagic wound is further increased by how low your current health is when you make the attack, much like the bloodblade itself.
A bit of a nuanced art. The skill has high potential against grouped creatures and in bursting low/medium health creatures, but if not used intelligently it will consume a lot of spirit for very little gains.
Effect: Activating this will cause the next successful bloodblade attack to deal a non-varying amount of damage. The attack will deal an average of your usual damage, plus a moderate amount extra based on training in Dantus. If the attack kills the target, extra spirit will be consumed to cause the target to explode in a rain of blood which damages any nearby enemies. If an enemy exploding kills another enemy, that newly killed enemy will also explode damaging enemies around it. This chaining of explosions can get silly in certain situations.
Note: If an inferno attack causes a creature to explode, the amount of damage done to the surrounding creatures is equal to roughly half of the health the creature had left plus roughly half of the bonus damage Dantus training added to the attack (i.e. killing a creature that had 10 histia left will do 5 histia worth of damage to the surrounding creatures plus an additional amount based on Dantus training).
Training: Each rank in Dantus increases the spirit cost of the ability, adds a moderate amount of damage to the inferno-enhanced bloodblade attack, and roughly half that damage to any resulting explosion(s). The bonus damage Dantus adds to the attack is further increased by how low your current health is when you make the attack, much like the bloodblade itself. If the bloodmage has only trained a little Dantus, the explosion will not deal that 'half of the health' in aoe damage. It is currently assumed the first 50?-150? ranks increase the % explosion damage as well, culminating in that 'half of the health' in aoe damage.
Note: If you have completed training with Unrastin, preparing the inferno will also indicate which creature you are sure to slay with the inferno blow.

Bloodstone Ring Abilities

Healing Blocking
In order to maintain an ideal ratio of durability to murder ability, bloodblade wielders commonly use this ring to limit how high their health can get. The bloodblade gives an immense amount of stats while at as low a percent of health as feasible to fight with, this ring is key in making that possible. It allows a mage to start a fight and remain during a fight at a threateningly low amount of health.
Effect: When setup the bloodstone ring will prevent its wearer from receiving healing when the wearer is at or above a defined percent health.
* To set the max health percent at 40% use the command: /useitem bloodstonering /set 40%
* To turn the heal blocking off/on use the command: /useitem bloodstonering /off or /useitem bloodstonering /on
Note: Natural troilus and large bursts of healing may still take an exile past the set amount.
A bloodmage's bread and butter when it comes to survivability. A lot of impossible to survive situations can be, well, survived, through this secret art.
Effect: When you feign you will appear fallen to the enemies around you so they won’t attack you, even if they run into your body. There will be a short delay between pressing the command though and actually feigning. During this delay you will lie down and most of your balance will be gone, leaving you vulnerable to being attacked. Also if you attempt to maintain the feign too long you will start to lose control over your life-force causing your spirit to quickly drain from your body. If this happens and you run out of spirit, you will be dead, for realsies.
Beware, although feigning causes creatures to not attack you, stray rocks and lighting can still hurt you. If you sustain enough damage from these sources in order to have killed you if you didn’t feign, you will be dead, for realsies.
Training: Each rank in Posuhm will at first decrease the time it takes to feign, then, after 50~ ranks, it will only increase how long you can feign.
* To feign dead use the command: /useitem bloodstonering /dead
* To get up from a feign one must either say their magic word (default is "Nacreus") or unequip their Bloodstone Ring.
Notes: Feigning dead while not full on balance will cause the user to slowly lose all their balance. Rarely the drain will happen even while at full balance. Feign cost does not seem to increase with rank, or, if it does increase, the increase is so little it is hard to mathematically take note of.
Unrastin teaches a mage how to unlock the true potential of the bloodstone ring.
Effect: When fully trained the exile will begin to see a marker around the highest health nearby enemy. Also if the exile is a bloodmage and has trained a handful of Dantus, whenever they prepare an inferno attack a marker will appear over any nearby enemy that the inferno-swing will kill.
Training: Caps at 12 ranks. No effect until all 12 ranks are trained.

Bloodmage trainers

Core trainers

These trainers give raw stats to a bloodmage.

Extremely efficient if you don't care for troilus. If a bloodmage trains too much of this they can end up with negative health regeneration, which can be fatal.
Effect: trains a mix of Histia, Regia, and negative Troilus.
Effect: trains a mix of Histia, Regia, and Troilus.
It is common for mages to have 50-200
Effect: Increases the amount of blood you can store (spirit pool). Identical to Spleisha and Splash.

Ability trainers

These trainers increase the power of the abilities of a bloodmage. For more info about the effects of the abilities each trainer deals with, look at the Bloodmagic section.

Effect: Increases the cost of hemo and adds a large amount of damage to hemo.
Cryptus and Disabla
Effect: Increases the cost and effect of all 3 debuffs.
Note: The reason there are two separate trainers is that there used to be only 2 debuffs; cripple and disable. Those were trained individually. When hamstring was added they were grouped up.
Effect: Increases the cost of inferno, adds a moderate amount of damage to the inferno-enhanced bloodblade attack, and a moderate amount of damage to any resulting explosion(s).
Effect: At first decreases the time it takes to feign, then, after 50~ ranks, it will only increase how long you can feign.
Effect: A capped trainer that unlocks additional effects for the bloodstone ring. No effect until maxed. Upon reaching 12 ranks, it will show sparkles over the highest health nearby foe. If the mage has trained a handful of Dantus and has inferno toggled, it also will show a marker over any creature the inferno-swing will kill.

Other Bloodmage Related NPCs and Features


A very helpful Zo who does a very helpful service.
Location: in the southern portion of the bloodmage sanctuary.
Conversing will...: "I can help you re-apply your training in the bloodblade to another discipline".

Anybody who can train the bloodblade, bloodmage or not, can talk to him to untrain 10 ranks of bloodblade training. The ranks will slowly trickle back into who or whatever you are currently training under so it is adviced to speak to who you wish to re-apply your ranks to before speaking to I'olatron.

Durin Bloodrunner / Robby Cund / Mourangus Aldim

Location: (Durin)in the secret bloodmage area in puddleby. (Robby) in the southern portion of the bloodmage sanctuary. (Mourangus) in the northern portion of the bloodmage sanctuary.
Conversing will...: Either will gladly tell you just how ajitated the bloodpool currently is. They will also, pluck from your blade all of the creatures you have absorbed and toss them into the bloodpool. The bloodmage will be rewarded with a fair bit of spirit. More spirit if any of the creatures are related to what the bloodpool hungers for, more spirit the beefier the absorbed creatures were.
Note: Talking to either of them will snatch the creatures out of your blade even if you do not wish it, for some strange reason.


A single minded but stylish disciple of the bloodpool.
Location: Northern portion of the bloodmage sanctuary, to the left of the Blood Altar.
Conversing will...: "do you want to buy a bloodshroud shirt for 6660 coins?"


The guardian of the secrets of the bloodblade
Location: in the central cloister of the bloodmage sanctuary. Reachable through the sanctuary or through Savannah.
Conversing will...: Upon qualifying for the bloodblade, Nacerus will be willing to craft a bloodblade for anyone who talks to him. He will allow anyone qualified in the blade to go into the southern portion of the bloodmage sanctuary.

Haima Myrtillus

The guardian of the secrets of blood magic
Location: in the southern portion of the bloodmage sanctuary.
Conversing will...: Haima will let anyone aspiring to become a bloodmage just how far along they have come. She will do this through a set of very cryptic messages.

Fast traveling to/from the sanctuary

Location: the secret bloodmage area in Puddleby/northernmost part of the northern portion of the bloodmage sanctuary
To do so...: From within the secret area in Puddleby, walk to the left; from the sanctuary, go as far north as possible. You will be transported to a mystical, ethereal, realm. If you have your bloodblade equipped traveling in any direction will eventually take you to the sanctuary. If you have no bloodblade equipped it will take you to Puddleby.

Bloodmage Altar

Location: that slab of rock in the middle of the northernmost part of the northern portion of the bloodmage sanctuary.
BEWARE It is an altar that binds your soul, much like the one in Puddleby does. If you touch it, you will 'respawn' if you depart at its location. One can touch the altar in Puddleby to reset the location to the altar in Puddleby.

The Bloodpool

Location: the northernmost part of the northern portion of the bloodmage sanctuary
Feeding the Bloodpool is a rather sacred duty of the bloodmage. A duty that no one truly understands the purpose for. Or do we? Nevertheless, we do it. As you shall if you become a mage.
Feeding the pool has the immediate benefit of recovering some of the mage's spirit. More spirit if the creatures fed to the pool are of the species the pool desires, more spirit if the creatures are big and strong.
The longterm benifit of feeding the pool are... ... ... .. I'd have to kill if you I told you.
The pool shows the degree of its displeasure through the following statements.
1. The bloodpool hungers, we must work to fill it.
2. The bloodpool quivers in agitation.
3. The bloodpool feels restless.
4. The bloodpool feels slightly restless, but could use some more life force.


Combat tips

  1. Hemo/Inferno deal a lot of damage for the ranks put into them. If a hunt looks like it may wipe, having some spare blood in the tank and ranks in the spank can really turn things around.
  2. Its better to be safe than sorry. When things get messy it is almost always better to be patient and wait for the safe attack than dive in and die for a greedy one. Finding a safe spot near the healers and picking off any problems that jump on them or bounce off the tank is a simple, reliable strategy.
  3. Know your enemies. Keep an eye out which creature has high Histia/Troilus, runs fast, ferals, etc. so you know which skill to use on which. Hamstring is great for managing problematic creatures. Cripple can be useful on some low regia creatures. Hemo is great for bleeding out durable creatures or annoying ferals. Inferno is great for bursting down problematic creatures or large spawns.
  4. Get used to how long it takes to feign. It can be very useful for avoiding a critter that is running at you or a critter who is looking to swing back at you if you use it quickly enough.
  5. Don't stay too close to snell borders, if something you didn't expect crosses the snell you're toast.
  6. Time your swings so you're not close to the creature when it's about to swing next, it might turn your way.
  7. If possible, always move back after you've swung.

Courtesy tips

  1. Sharing [blood] is caring. If there are multiple bloodmages, have manners when taking droplets. If you unsure how another mage is doing on blood, feel free to ask. If you aren't much for verbal communication... each critter drops 3 bits of blood, so if there are 2 mages, take 1 droplets and see how needy the other mage is. If they take both, conserve your blood a bit. If they take 0-1, you can be a bit more free with it. But, if there are 3 mages, each of you gets 1 droplet. Connie will applaud your manners.
  2. Be conscientious about your damage. With how convenient it is to train Bloodblade it is really easy to wake up one day and realize you do preposterous amounts of damage in one swing. BUT other people like to tag creatures as well, so if you kill things too fast they are missing out on xp. Control mode can be your friend. So can be dumping ranks into balance regeneration or Hemo/Inferno. Those things give DPS without necessarily losing friends.
  3. Be kind to healers, even if you are nearly dead and they forget to top you off. Be like a cat staring at its bowl of food. Walk up to them. Stare. Politely meow, err, talk at them till they top you off.
  4. If you train much Disabla, be aware if anyone seems to be struggling to hit. Cripple can really make the difference for fighters that are on the cusp.

Training Tips

  1. Train Rodnus, everyone gets 50 of it. You should too. It increases the effectiveness of healing you receive. Being a bloodmage means you really love the wubs.
  2. Invest in Posuhm early on to get rid of the feign delay.
  3. Train Disabla. 50-100 of it goes a long way. Regularly hamstringing foes keeps fights from getting too chaotic and prevents critters from swinging back at you as often.
  4. Train enough Bloodblade that you can survive a couple swings from local critters while being able to reliably hit them back. Most problems can be solved by training more Bloodblade. The ones that can't can be solved by it can usually be solved by...
  5. Train Hemo or Inferno. It is damage you can toggle on. Large amounts of damage.
  6. Become the local healer's fav. Kill stuff that goes for them, tell them jokes. SCHMOOZE.
  7. Train more Histia. You will be able to take larger bursts of damage before dying.
  8. Convince someone to play a healer and that you are their #1.
  9. Train Regia. You will get some more DPS. You will swing faster, thus increasing the amount of tags you get, thus increasing experience gain. Angilsa is a really, really good trainer for bloodmage.
  10. Indecisively train more BB because it can be freely untrained into other things without any losses.
  11. Make more friends in real life so you can convince them to play Clan Lord so you can convince them to be healers so you can convince them to be your bff.
  12. Train Spirtus, this will moderately increase the effectiveness of all heals on you. It is somewhat common to get 50~ of it, and a bit more as it becomes convenient. ONLY TRAIN IT AFTER RODNUS. ONLY TRAIN IT AFTER YOU ARE SURE YOU LOVE YOUR BUILD. ONLY TRAIN IT AFTER YOU ARE SURE YOU WILL NEVER NEED UNTRAINUS.
  13. Train some Troilus? Some people do it. It's like Spirtus, but is less needy about healers and messy if you decide to untrainus.
  14. Invest in a shieldstone and some Heen. Shieldstoning is much more efficient for bloodmage than for the other sub classes. It can be awkward though because you have to swap rings to use it and it takes like 25-50k coins to get going with them.
  15. Don't be afraid of training mistakes, Untrainus is your friend. Each time you agree to Untrainus he removes 10~% of your existing ranks, bloodmages uniquely don't mind that happening as much as other classes do. You are encouraged to try out weird things to see if they fit you, your playstyle, and your regular hunting groups.

Blood Mage Macros

Blood Mage Macros

Know bugs

  1. DO NOT feign while in the library and then log out. It causes a bug where you will log back in, dead, but not be able to receive healing. You will have to have someone feed you health potions to get revived, or, if that fails, get GM intervention. Either way, unequip and reequip your ring afterwards.
  2. DO NOT feign and then disconnect in general. If you are disconnected for so long that you poof, the same bug as above will happen.